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Digital Preservation and Archiving Books Internet and Web Society Books
O'Reilly® The Art of Community: Building the New Age of Participation ©2009 (Jono Bacon)
How to Bypass Internet Censorship ©2009 (FLOSS Manuals)
Taken Out of Context: American Teen Sociality in Networked Publics ©2008 (danah michele boyd) 406 pp
Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion ©2008 (Hal Abelson, et al)
Originality, Imitation, and Plagiarism: Teaching Writing in the Digital Age ©2008 (Martha Vicinus) 280 pages
Electronic Engagement: A Guide for Public Sector Managers ©2007 (Peter Chen)
The Free iPod Book, with the Free iPhone Book ©2007 (Jeremy Horwitz)
Engaging Privacy and Information Technology in a Digital Age ©2007 (James Waldo. et al) 452 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
University Publishing in a Digital Age ©2007 (Laura Brown, Rebecca Griffiths, Matthew Rascoff)
55 Ways to Have Fun With Google ©2006 (Philipp Lenssen) 232 pages [Mirror] Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents ©2006 (Sylvie Devilette, et al)Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
Learning VirtualDub: The Complete Guide to Capturing, Erocessing and Encoding Digital Video ©2005 Book Review
The Digital Difference: Responsible Conduct of Research in a Networked World ©2005 (Richard Fyffe, Scott Walter)
The Digital Person - Technology and Privacy in the Information Age ©2006 (Daniel J. Solove) 290 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
Beyond the Information Age: It's Time for a Change ©2006 (ISSU and Dave J Ulmer)
The Guide to Digital Television, 3rd Edition ©2000 (Michael Silbergleid/Mark J. Pescatore) 336 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
Copyrights and Copywrongs: The Rise of Intellectual Property and How It Threatens Creativity (Siva V.) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
Effects of Information Technology on Financial Services Systems (1984) 282 pages Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
ICT4D - Connecting People for a Better World (Gerolf Weigel/Daniele Waldburger) [Homepage]
O'Reilly® We the Media ©2004 (Dan Gillmor) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at The MPEG-4 Structured Audio Book (John Lazzaro, et al)
Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations ©2002 Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
Gender in the Information Society: Emerging Issues ©2006 (Anita Gurumurthy, et al)
Information liberation - Challenging the Corruptions of Information Power ©1998 (Brian Martin) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
The Role of Scientific and Technical Data and Information in the Public Domain ©2003 Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
Unleashing the Killer App: Digital Strategies for Market Dominance ©2000 (L. Downes, C. Mui) [Homepage] Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
Trapped in the Net: The Unanticipated Consequences of Computerization ©1998 (Gene I. Rochlin) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
Lotus Notes and Domino Server Being Fluent with Information Technology ©1999 Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
Information Technology Research, Innovation, and E-Goverment ©2002 [Homepage] Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
The Information Age: An Anthology on Its Impact and Consequences (David S. Alberts/Daniel S. Papp) Read editorial and user reviews, and details about the book at
Information and Communications Technology for Development: A Sourcebook for Parliamentarians (2004)
Digital Creativity (1996) by Owen Kelly, 128 pages
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