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  • Becoming a Historian: An Informal Guide (Penelope Corfield)

    Writing history is both an art and a craft. This handbook is designed as an instructional guide to support students, independent scholars, and more. This book guides prospective historians on how best to participate in this vibrant community of scholars.

  • 50 Essentials on Science Communication (Jean Bertemes, etc.)

    This handy and entertaining book provides the basics of goal-oriented science communication. It is aimed at career-building scientists and anyone who wants to take their first steps in the field of science communication.

  • Imagining Chinese Medicine (Lo Vivienne)

    A unique collection of 36 chapters on the history of Chinese medical illustrations. Take the reader on a journey from the imaging of a classical medicine to instructional manuals for bone-setting, to advertising and comic books of the Yellow Emperor.

  • Knowledge Cartography for Young Thinkers (Alexandra Okada)

    This book aims to help learners create knowledge with the support of artificial intelligence mapping apps and engage them deeply with sustainable development supported by green digital skills.

  • Transparent Minds in Science Fiction (Paul Matthews)

    Explores the intersection between neuroscience and science fiction stories, argues that psycho-emotional science fiction writers both imitate and inform alien and post-human consciousnesses through exploratory narratives and metaphor.

  • Creativity in Art, Design and Technology (Susan Liggett, et al.)

    Creativity is a difficult concept, how can it best be defined, understood, applied, and practiced? This book provides important answers to these questions, which is relevant for artists, designers, scientists and technologists.

  • Smart Life and Smart Life Engineering: Current and Future

    Identifying a clear scope of what constitutes “smart” in the context of digital technologies, develops a cross-field perspective, provides insights into various related disciplines, and offers illustrative examples of existing works in the field.

  • Emerging Technologies: Value Creation for Sustainable Development

    This open access book investigates a multitude of emerging technologies including 3D printing, 5G, blockchain, and many more to assess their potential for use to further humanity’s shared goal of sustainable development.

  • Forget Photography (Andrew Dewdney)

    Why we must forget photography and reject the frame of reality it prescribes and delineates. The central paradox is that at the moment of photography's replacement by the algorithm and data flow, photographic cultures proliferate as never before.

  • Stories of Capitalism: Inside the Role of Financial Analysts

    This is a nuanced look at how banks continue to boost investment—even in unstable markets—and a rare insider’s look into the often opaque financial practices that shape the global economy.

  • The Digital Storytelling Handbook (Jordan Schugar, et al.)

    This book is designed to provide an introduction to digital storytelling and its multifaceted applications. It gives storytellers practical tools to help them think about different reasons for making digital stories and different ways to think.

  • Nutrition: Science and Everyday Application (Alice Callahan, et al.)

    What comes to mind when you think of food? What does it mean to you? This book helps readers develop the scientific understanding to support their personal and professional decisions.

  • Weapons in Space: Technology, Politics, and the SDI

    A new and provocative take on the formerly classified history of accelerating superpower military competition in space in the late Cold War and beyond, i.e. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

  • Toy Theory: Technology and Imagination in Play (Seth Giddings)

    A novel interpretation of the history and theory of technology from the perspective of toys, play, and play objects. Addresses the relationships between toys and technology in two distinct but overlapping ways.

  • Radiobiology Textbook (Sarah Baatout)

    This open access textbook focuses on the various aspects of radiobiology. The goal of radiobiological research is to better understand the effects of radiation exposure at the cellular and molecular levels in order to determine the impact on health.

  • Archives and Records: Privacy, Personality Rights, and Access

    This open access book addresses the protection of privacy and personality rights in public records, records management, historical sources, and archives; and historical and current access to them in a broad international comparative perspective.

  • A Guide to Distributed Digital Preservation (Katherine Skinner)

    Readers may use this guide to gain both a philosophical and practical understanding of the emerging field of distributed digital preservation, including how to establish or join a network.

  • The Body Code: Unlocking Your Body's Ability to Heal Itself

    A powerful new approach to natural, intuitive whole-body healing. Heal yourself in body and mind. A road map to healing based in deep study of the human body, time-proven ancient practices, and the unlimited power of the subconscious mind.

  • Harmony and Paradox: Aspects of Proof-Theoretic Semantics

    This open access book investigates the role played by identity of proofs in proof-theoretic semantics. It develops a conception of proof-theoretic semantics as primarily concerned with the relationship between proofs and derivations.

  • Rethinking Gamification (Mathias Fuchs, et al.)

    Gamification marks a major change to everyday life. It describes the permeation of economic, political, and social contexts by game-elements such as awards, rule structures, and interfaces that are inspired by video games.

  • A History of Bodies, Brains, and Minds: Life and Consciousness

    A panoramic view of the evolution of life on our planet, from its origins to humanity's future. This book provides a brief history of life, the brain, and cognition, from the earliest living beings to our own species.

  • Life, the Universe and Everything: 42 Fundamental Questions

    Consider 42 fundamental questions which must be answered on the road to full enlightenment. Topics ranging from the cosmological constant and origin of the universe to the origin of life and consciousness.

  • The Mindful Way to Study: Dancing with Your Books

    The ability to pay attention is a key component of effective learning. Just think of all the times in your life when parents, teachers, bosses, and coaches have told you to pay attention to what you are doing.

  • Fading Foundations: Probability and the Regress Problem

    This book addresses the age-old problem of infinite regresses in epistemology. How can we ever come to know something if knowing requires having good reasons, and reasons can only be good if they are backed by good reasons in turn?

  • How to Do What You Love and Earn What You are Worth

    Choosing where to work, what to work on, and with whom to work isn’t just the most important question, in some ways it’s the only question. Here are a few of essays touching on that topic from over the years.

  • Creating Through Mind and Emotions (Mário Ming Kong, et al.)

    The goal is to establish a multidisciplinary platform for presenting, interacting, and disseminating research. The idea of book has been a powerful motor for development since the Western Early Modern Age.

  • The Secret of Success (William Walker Atkinson)

    One of the most influential books written on the subject of attaining success. Although everyone's definition of success may be different, the common ground is the attainment of each one's particular goal. The key point to this book is that of 'individuality'.

  • Men of Wealth: The Story of Twelve Significant Fortunes

    It is the story of great fortunes made by the most notable men of wealth in history: Jacob Fugger, John Law, Nathan Rothschild, Thomas Gresham, Robert Owen, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and all the way through J.P. Morgan and J.D. Rockefelle.

  • Dare to Invent the Future: Knowledge through Problem-Solving

    A rallying manifesto for the innovative problem-solving we need to build a better, more verdant, and sustainable planetary existence. Our critical thinkers must become actual thinker-doers.

  • How to Motivate Creative People (Including Yourself)

    Understand how motivation affects creativity, get better work out of creative people, avoid crushing people's motivation, use rewards effectively, understand and influence many different types of people, facilitate creative collaboration.

  • Finding Your Power to Be Happy: Seven Practices

    Learn to find the happiness that is natural to you, and enjoy better relationships, better health, more success and a longer life. This kind of happiness does not require changing anything in your life. All you have to do is learn to turn it on.

  • The Mediterranean Way of Eating (John J.B. Anderson, et al.)

    This book offers evidence-based information about an enjoyable, healthy way of eating that has stood the test of time, along with practical suggestions for incorporating the Mediterranean diet into your daily life.

  • Modern Chinese Foodways (Jia-Chen Fu, et al.)

    This book defines some of the major processes by which Chinese food and foodways have become modern, with a focus on the period from the mid-nineteenth to the twenty-first century.

  • Why Knowing What To Do Is Not Enough?

    It explains the reasons for the gap between 'knowing' and 'doing', focuses on the role of non-cognitive capacities, such as setting goals, taking action, persevering and coping with setbacks, and shows how these capacities are undermined by adverse circumstances.

  • Mind Hacking: How to Change Your Mind for Good in 21 Days

    Teaches you how to reprogram your thinking - like reprogramming a computer - to give you increased mental efficiency and happiness. Learn to take charge of your mind and banish negative thoughts, habits, and anxiety - in just 21 days!

  • Paths: Why is Life Filled with so many Detours?

    This book explores the amazing similarity between paths taken by people and many other things in life, and its impact on the way we live, teach and learn. Offering insights into the new scientific field of paths as part of the science of networks, etc.

  • Creativity: Process and Personality (Larry Gross)

    Exploring the nature of creativity, this book remains a provocative consideration of how creativity takes form, while also operating as a revealing snapshot of mid-twentieth century psychological thought.

  • Lying for Fun and Profit (Kurt Butler)

    Exposes the corrupt symbiosis between the corporate mass media and the health fraud industries. Shows how this corrupt partnership deceives the public, costs us billions, and endangers our health.

  • Being God (Robin J. Price)

    Searching for enlightenment or just wanting to know the truth? Alex was. But what he finds leaves him reeling and adrift in a strange new reality; where he is God stretching out into infinity.

  • The Design Of Everyday Things (Don Norman)

    This book melds psychology, marketing, and design concepts to show why we're susceptible to certain persuasive techniques. Packed with examples from every nook and cranny of the web, it provides easily digestible and applicable patterns.

  • Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society (Karl Ulrich)

    This book provides a unifying framework for understanding how artifacts are created in society. The treatment includes both a discussion of elements of design process as well as topical issues.

  • Wikipedia @ 20: Stories of an Incomplete Revolution

    Wikipedia's first twenty years: how what began as an experiment in collaboration became the world's most popular reference work. Wikipedia is now known for its reliable sourcing and as a bastion of (mostly) reasoned interaction.

  • Wikipedia Knows Nothing (Chris Bateman)

    What does the Wikipedia know, and how can it know it? More to the point, how can anyone using an anonymously edited source, the contents of which change on a daily basis, know that what they are reading constitutes knowledge?

  • China: 5,000 Years Innovation and Transformation in the Arts

    Archaeology is constantly rewriting the story of China's artistic development as yet more magnificent objects are dug from its soil. This huge book covers many recently discovered artifacts that have revolutionized the study of Chinese art.

  • Demystifying the Academic Research Enterprise

    What next-generation scholars need to know in order to thrive, and how they can actively participate in shaping the academic research enterprise. For undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and early career faculty.

  • Gaming the Metrics: Misconduct in Academic Research

    This book examines how the increasing reliance on metrics to evaluate scholarly publications has produced radically new forms of academic fraud and misconduct. It provides a map of academic fraud and misconduct today.

  • From Geometry to Behavior: An Introduction to Spatial Cognition

    An overview of the mechanisms and evolution of Spatial Cognition, integrating evidence from psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and Computational Geometry. Also relevant to the epistemology of spatial knowledge in the philosophy of mind.

  • Introduction to Digital Humanism: A Textbook

    This open access textbook introduces and defines Digital Humanism from a diverse range of disciplines that describes, analyzes, influences the complex interplay of technology and humankind, for a better society and life, fully respecting universal human rights.

  • A Concise Introduction to Logic (Craig DeLancey)

    This book takes the unique approach of teaching logic through intellectual history; the author uses examples from important and celebrated arguments in philosophy to illustrate logical principles.

  • Mobile Media Learning: Innovation and Inspiration

    This book is an inspirational message about what is possible and practical in the name of learning through mobile media. It present stories from a diverse set of educators, a microcosm of the landscape of mobile media learning.

  • Beginning ESOL (Eric Dodson, et al)

    This book contains three levels of interactive grammar lessons and reading activities for beginning students of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). Each lesson is accompanied by self-correcting exercises.

  • Making Sense of the Future (Rick Szostak)

    The book takes a systems approach that recognizes the complexity of our world. It begins by suggesting a set of goals for human societies and identifying innovative strategies for achieving these goals that could gain broad support.

  • What is Academic Freedom?: A Century of Debate, 1915–Present

    This book explores the history of the debate, from 1915 to the present, about the meaning of academic freedom, particularly as concerns political activism on the college campus.

  • Making Sense of World History (Rick Szostak)

    With handy pedagogical features such as maps and illustrations, as well as an extensive list of recommendations for further reading, this book is an important resource on Chinese History, and those studuing Chinese Culture and Society more generally.

  • Ancient China: A History (John S. Major, et al)

    This book is a comprehensive and accessible textbook that helps students understand the key themes of world history within a chronological framework stretching from ancient times to the present day.

  • East Central Europe and Communism: Politics, Culture, and Society

    Communism was all about planning, control, and politicization. Inspired by the functionalist theory, this book shows how communist policies were repeatedly undermined by unintended consequences and outright dysfunctions.

  • Open Access in Theory and Practice (Stephen Pinfield, et al)

    This book investigates the theory-practice relationship in the domain of open access (OA) publication and dissemination of research outputs. Drawing on detailed analysis of the literature and current practice in OA.

  • Wikipedia and the Representation of Reality (Z. McDowell, et al)

    A contemporary examination of what information is represented, how that information is presented, and who gets to participate (and serve as gatekeeper) in the world's largest online repository for information, Wikipedia.

  • Words of Wisdom - Introduction to Philosophy (Jody Ondich)

    Philosophy is the study of wisdom, and can emerge in our conversations in social media, in school, around the family dinner table, and even in the car. The text uses materials that are 2,500 years old, and materials that were in the news this year.

  • Seeing Ourselves Through Technology (Jill Walker Rettberg)

    Selfies, blogs and life logging devices help us understand ourselves. This book uses examples to explore the balance between using technology to see ourselves and allowing our machines to tell us who we are.

  • AI for Everyone? (Pieter Verdegem)

    We are entering a new era of technological determinism and solutionism in which governments and business actors are seeking data-driven change, assuming that Artificial Intelligence is now inevitable and ubiquitous.

  • Real-Life Decision-Making (Mats Danielson, et al.)

    This book is an attempt to remedy this shortcoming of our educational systems and possibly also of our common, partly intuition-based, decision culture. Intuition is not at all bad, quite the contrary, but it has to co-exist with rationality.

  • Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering? (David Pearce)

    The essays deal with the abolition of suffering through biotechnology, negative utilitarianism, our obligations toward non-human animals, the nature of consciousness, and the future of intelligent life.

  • Gödel Without (Too Many) Tears (Peter Smith)

    How is this remarkable result of Gödel's Theorems established? This short book explains. The aim is to make the Theorems available, clearly and accessibly, even to those with a quite limited formal background.

  • The Shape of Design (Frank Chimero)

    Instead of talking about typography, grids, or logos, this book focuses on storytelling, co-dependency, and craft. It tries to supplement the abundance of technical talk and how-to elsewhere by elevating why great work is done.

  • Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work (Pamela Satterwhite)

    How we came to be servants of an economic system, rather than the other way around. It proposes a theory of wholism for critiquing the present reality and envisioning the world we want, and then suggests concrete actions to help us get there.

  • Computational Engineering of Historical Memories (Andrea Nanetti)

    This book outlines a methodology for deploying artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance historical research. It presents the theory behind this methodology from a humanities perspective and discusses its practical applications.

  • RNA, the Epicenter of Genetic Information (John Mattick, et al)

    Documents the confused early history of DNA, RNA and proteins - a transformative history of molecular biology like no other. Integrates the influences of biochemistry and genetics on the landscape of molecular biology.

  • A Field Guide to 'Fake News' and Other Information Disorders

    The book explores the use of digital methods to study false viral news, political memes, trolling practices and their social life online. It responds to an increasing demand for understanding the interplay between digital platforms, misleading information, etc.

  • Learning from Arguments: An Introduction to Philosophy

    The aim is to introduce newcomers to the dynamics of philosophical argumentation, using some of the arguments standardly covered in an introductory philosophy course, but without the additional hurdles one encounters.

  • Cellular: A History of the International Mobile-Phone Industry

    Tracks the evolution of the international cellular industry from the late 1970s to the present. Examines its development. Covers the technical aspects of the cellphone, as well as its social and political impact.

  • Barcode Overview (TEC-IT)

    This book will serve as your guide to barcodes as it will explain what Barcodes are, their composition and purpose, and how they can help your company save time and money. It explains how you can implement them efficiently.

  • Open Softwear: Wearable Computing Using Arduino

    This is a book about fashion and technology. More precisely it is a book about Arduino boards, conductive fabric, resistive thread, soft buttons, LEDs, and some other things. Focused on fashion and wearable computing using Arduino.

  • Modeling Creativity - Case Studies in Python (Tom De Smedt)

    This book is to model creativity using computational approaches in Python. The aim is to construct computer models that exhibit creativity in an artistic context, that is, that are capable of generating or evaluating an artwork (visual or linguistic), etc.

  • Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: Many Faces of Anonymous

    The ultimate book on the worldwide movement of hackers, pranksters, and activists collectively known as Anonymous. It is filled with insights into the meaning of digital activism and little understood facets of culture in the Internet age.

  • The Amazing Journey of Reason: from DNA to Artificial Intelligence

    This book analyses the evolution of complex structures (Organisms, or organized, living, systems) in the universe - from the subatomic particles after the Big Bang onwards - in order to understand the emergence of today's interconnected society.

  • Marie Curie and the Science of Radioactivity (Naomi Pasachoff)

    Marie Curie discovered radium and went on to lead the scientific community in studying the theory behind and the uses of radioactivity. She left a vast legacy to future scientists through her research, her teaching, and her contributions to the welfare of humankind.

  • Ramblings of a Mad Scientist: 100 Ideas for a Stranger Tomorrow

    This collection invigorates and inspires with one hundred original concepts, ideas, and inventions spanning many topics, including transportation, mobile devices, wearable electronics, games, emerging technologies, and more.

  • Train Your Brain: Build a Framework for Clear Thinking

    This book will help you build a mental framework for clear thinking. With daily practice you can build your skills in clear thinking, and become a more productive and happier person. The basic anatomy of the brain is presented.

  • How Humans Judge Machines (Cesar A. Hidalgo, et al)

    A detailed examination of people's reactions to machine actions as compared to human actions. Through dozens of experiments, this book explores when and why people judge humans and machines differently.

  • What is and What will be: Integrating Spirituality and Science

    This book integrates science with values and meaning by making the simplest possible assumption about the connection between physical structure and conscious experience. This follows from Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem and the assumptions of this book.

  • The Everyday Life of an Algorithm (Daniel Neyland)

    Through investigating the everyday life of the algorithm, the book opens a conversation with existing social science research that tends to focus on the power and opacity of algorithms, via unique access to the algorithm's design, development, testing, etc.

  • This Gaming Life: Travels in Three Cities (Jim Rossignol)

    A fascinating and eye-opening look into the real human impact of gaming culture. Traveling the globe and drawing anecdotes from many walks of life, it takes us beyond the media hype and into the lives of real people whose lives have been changed by gaming.

  • Motivation: How To Enjoy It Every Day (David Valois)

    21 Secrets To Get Motivated - Even If You Are In The Most Difficult Situation! Do you want to know what do high motivated achievers that others don't? Then you need MOTIVATION. And here you will discover how.

  • Networks, Crowds, and Markets: a Highly Connected World

    It looks at economics, sociology, computing and information science, and applied mathematics to understand networks and behavior, and addresses fundamental questions about how the social, economic, and technological worlds are connected.

  • Science, Evolution, and Creationism

    The book explores the many fascinating inquiries being pursued that put the science of evolution to work in preventing and treating human disease, developing new agricultural products, and fostering industrial innovations.

  • Aging by Design (Theodore Goldsmith)

    Why do we age? How do we age? These questions have baffled scientists for centuries and remain unresolved. The book goes on to discuss observations and experiments that offer clues as to the nature of biological aging mechanisms.

  • In the Light of Evolution: Brain and Behavior

    This book focuses on the field of evolutionary neuroscience that now includes a vast array of different approaches, data types, and species. Understanding evolution is a key to unlocking cancer, viruses, diseases and even Artificial Intelligence.

  • The Art of Community: Building the New Age of Participation

    Online communities offer a wide range of opportunities today. This book will help you develop the broad range of talents you need to recruit members to your community, motivate and manage them, and help them become active participants.

  • Fashion Figures: How Missy the Mathlete Made the Cut

    This book highlights the societal and internal pressures preteen and early-teen girls often face when they excel in these subjects, and it shows strategies for overcoming barriers to being themselves and doing what they love while still fitting in socially.

  • The New Hacker's Dictionary (The Jargon File) by Eric S. Raymond

    A collection of slang terms used by various subcultures of computer hackers. Though some technical material is included for background and flavor, it is not a technical dictionary. What we describe here is the language hackers use among themselves for fun, etc.

  • Technical Writing (Michele DeSilva, et al)

    This is a textbook focusing on writing in the workplace, with an emphasis on audience analysis, writing for specific situations, document design, research processes, and visual aids. Combining examples, practical advice, and priceless insider tips, etc.

  • Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers (Gabor Lövei)

    The book's three main sections correspond with the three main stages of a paper's journey from idea to print: planning, writing, and publishing, targeting scientists whose first language is not English.

  • Exploring Perspectives: A Concise Guide to Analysis

    This book's aim is to prepare any people to write analytical essays for the argument and persuasion. Specifically, the text's goal is to help give people a better understanding of how to discover, develop, and revise an analytical essay.

  • Go It Alone! Building a Successful Business on Your Own

    This book shows you the practical steps that will allow nearly any individual to create a business, often using job skills that seem to require an entire corporation for support. It is no longer necessary to spend time on the tasks that don't add value.

  • The Limits of Art (Jiri Benovsky)

    This open access book is about exploring interesting borderline cases of art. It discusses the cases of gustatory and olfactory artworks, proprioceptive artworks, intellectual artworks, as well as the vague limits between painting and photography.

  • Butterick's Practical Typography (Matthew Butterick)

    Typography can enhance your writing. Typography can create a better first impression. Typography can reinforce your key points. Typography can extend reader attention - ignoring it means ignoring an opportunity to improve the effectiveness of your writing.

  • Against Intellectual Property (Stephan N Kinsella)

    The author is to argue that the very existence of patents are contrary to a free market, and adds in here copyrights and trademarks too. They all use the state to create artificial scarcities of non-scarce goods and employ coercion.

  • Create or Perish: The Case for Inventions and Patents

    This book explores the history of private and public rights in scientific discoveries and applied engineering, leading to the development of worldwide patent systems. The classes of invention protectable under the patent laws will be examined.

  • Your Post has been Removed: Tech Giants & Freedom of Speech

    This book argues established democratic norms for freedom of expression should be implemented on the internet. Moderating policies of tech companies as Facebook, Twitter and Google have resulted in posts being removed on an industrial scale.

  • The 3 Pillars of Personal Effectiveness (Troels Richter)

    The purpose of this book is to introduce you to the world of personal effectiveness and through simple steps help you get a better sense of importance, optimize your focus and improve your workflow in order to achieve more value.

  • AI Art: Machine Visions and Warped Dreams (Joanna Zylinska)

    The book critically examines artworks that use AI, be it in the form of visual style transfer, algorithmic experiment or critical commentary. It also engages with their predecessors, including robotic art and net art.

  • What's the Worth? The Economic Values of College Majors

    This report analyzes 171 majors in 15 categories. It tracks earnings by majors and provides key break outs on questions of race/ethnicity and the gender differences in earnings.

  • What I've Learned From Failure? (Reginald Braithwaite)

    This book contains a lot of truth about software development. At least, a lot that feels true based on author's experience. And that's a point he makes clearly in one section: software development is probabilistic, not deterministic.

  • On The Origin of the Human Mind (Andrey Vyshedskiy)

    Using his background in neuroscience, the author offers an elegant, parsimonious theory of the evolution of the human mind and suggests experiments that could be done to test, refute, or validate the hypothesis.

  • Human Physiology (Wikibooks)

    It provides an introductory explanation of the workings of the human body, with an effort to draw connections between the body systems and explain their interdependencies. The focus is homeostasis and how the body maintains balance within each system.

  • Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities

    This book introduces programming to readers involved with the arts and humanities; there are no prerequisites, and no previous knowledge of programming is assumed. It reveals programming can also be a tool for sketching, brainstorming, and inquiry.

  • Logical Reasoning (Bradley H. Dowden)

    The goal of this book is to improve your logical-reasoning skills. Your most important critical thinking skill is your skill at making judgments-not snap judgments that occur in the blink of an eye, but those that require careful reasoning.

  • How Music and Mathematics Relate (David Kung)

    Understanding the connections between music and mathematics helps you appreciate both, even if you have no special ability in either field - from knowing the math behind tuning an instrument to understanding the features that define your favorite pieces.

  • Sound Reasoning (Anthony Brandt, et al.)

    Music is designed to express itself completely in sound. No matter what your knowledge or training, you should be able to enjoy music with the fullness of your thoughts, should be able to explore and interpret it with confidence.

  • Mind Relief Manuscript (Jerry Stocking)

    In this book, the author's simple tricks and exercises that will allow you to quiet your mind, reduce stress and think clearly. You will access mental flexibility and deep inner peace while reading through this fast fun book, guaranteed to lighten your day!

  • Mind, Body, World: The Foundations of Cognitive Science

    Intended to introduce the foundations of cognitive science, this book addresses a number of questions currently being asked by those practicing in the field of cognitive science. It highlights the fundamental tensions and lines of fragmentation of cognitive science.

  • Forensic Discovery (Dan Farmer, Wietse Venema)

    This book covers both theory and hands-on practice of computer forensics, introducing a powerful approach that can often recover evidence considered lost forever. It covers everything from file systems, to memory and kernel hacks, to malware.

  • Password Incorrect (Nick Name)

    25 short, sometimes funny and sometimes mean stories ideal to rediscover the joy of reading a book as shiny and beautiful as a brand new cell phone. A lot of entertainment and a little food for thought.

  • Raspberry Pi: Measure, Record, Explore (Malcolm Maclean)

    Measure the world, record the data and display it graphically. The book is written to help those who want to get started interfacing computers with the physical world and turning recorded information into visual data.

  • The Future of American Intelligence (Peter Berkowitz)

    It examines the obstacles to making U.S. intelligence more capable and offer recommendations for effective reform. In short a mediocre book by most counts that will not do much to add efforts to reform the practice of intelligence in the U.S.

  • Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps

    The book is intended to serve both as a reference manual and as a cover-to-cover exploration of Ethereum. If you're looking to get started with the Ethereum protocol (open source developers, integrators, etc.), this is the definitive book on the topic.

  • Problem Solving for Coding Interviews (Karthik Naidu)

    This book is a software engineer's notes on problem solving. Ideally suited as practice material for coding interviews. This started out as a collection of interview questions and solutions that suthor accumulated over the years.

  • Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain

    This book is your guide through the seemingly complex world of Bitcoin, providing the knowledge you need to participate in the internet of money. It will help you engineer money. You're about to unlock the API to a new economy. This book is your key.

  • From Bricks to Brains: Embodied Cognitive Science of LEGO Robots

    This book introduces embodied cognitive science and illustrates its foundational ideas through the construction and observation of LEGO Mindstorms robots.

  • Software and Mind: The Mechanistic Myth and Its Consequences

    This book is on the current state of software development, should be required reading for anyone entering the programming field. Any programmer that is currently and dogmatically following any methodology should be handed a copy of this book.

  • The Art of Insight in Science and Engineering: Mastering Complexity

    This book first teaches the tools for organizing complexity, then distinguishes the two paths for discarding complexity: with and without loss of information. Questions and problems throughout the text help readers master and apply these groups of tools.

  • Evil by Design: Design Patterns that Lead Us into Temptation

    This book melds psychology, marketing, and design concepts to show why we're susceptible to certain persuasive techniques. Packed with examples from every nook and cranny of the web, it provides easily digestible and applicable patterns.

  • Composing Software: Functional and Object Composition

    All software design is composition: the act of breaking complex problems down into smaller problems and composing those solutions. Most developers have a limited understanding of compositional techniques. It's time for that to change.

  • A Machine Made this Book: Ten Sketches of Computer Science

    This book is entertaining to read and gives a good basic introduction to the subject for anyone who hasn't studied Computer Science. It uses examples from the publishing industry to introduce the fascinating discipline of Computer Science to the uninitiated.

  • What is the Text Encoding Initiative? (Lou Burnard)

    This simple and straightforward book is intended to help the beginner make their own choices from the full range of Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) options. It explains the XML technology used by the TEI in language accessible to the non-technical readers.

  • One Two Three ... Infinity: Facts and Speculations of Science

    Whatever your level of scientific expertise, chances are you'll derive a great deal of pleasure, stimulation, and information from this unusual and imaginative book. It belongs in the library of anyone curious about the wonders of the scientific universe.

  • Creative Multilingualism: A Manifesto (Katrin Kohl, et al.)

    This book is a welcome contribution to the field of modern languages, highlighting the intricate relationship between Multilingualism and creativity, and, crucially, reaching beyond an Anglo-centric view of the world.

  • The Legacy of Felix Klein (Hans-Georg Weigand, et al)

    This open access book provides an overview of Felix Klein's ideas. It discusses the meaning, importance and the legacy of Klein's ideas today and in the future, within an international, global context.

  • Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software

    Using everyday objects and familiar language systems such as Braille and Morse code, the author weaves an illuminating narrative for anyone who's ever wondered about the secret inner life of computers and other smart machines.

  • Understanding Computers, Smartphones and the Internet

    This book is for people who would like to understand how computers work, without having to learn a lot of technical details. Only the most important things about computers are covered. There is no math except some simple arithmetic.

  • Strange Attractors: Creating Patterns in Chaos (Julien C. Sprott)

    This book describes a simple method for generating an endless succession of beautiful fractal patterns by iterating simple maps and ordinary differential equations with coefficients chosen automatically by the computer.

  • The World of Peer-to-Peer (P2P)

    It explains the overall utilization that P2P (Peer-to-Peer) technologies have in today's world, it goes deeper into as many implementations as it can and compares the benefits, problems even legal implications and changes to social and economic infrastructures.

  • Public Speaking for Geeks Succinctly (Lorenzo Barbieri)

    You'll learn about all the components that contribute to a memorable talk. Discover the essentials of defining personal standards; preparing a presentation; what to do before, during, and after a talk; and more.

  • Go It Alone! Do What You Do Best (Bruce Judson)

    This book shows you the practical steps that will allow nearly any individual to create a business, often using job skills that seem to require an entire corporation for support. It is no longer necessary to spend time on the tasks that don't add value.

  • Quantum Computing Since Democritus (Scott Aaronson)

    This book takes readers on a tour through some of the deepest ideas of maths, computer science and physics. Full of insights, arguments and philosophical perspectives, the book covers an amazing array of topics.

  • Building Blockchain Projects (Narayan Prusty)

    This book will teach you what Blockchain is, how it maintains data integrity, and how to create real-world Blockchain projects using Ethereum. It is for JavaScript developers who now want to create tamper-proof data (and transaction) apps using Blockchain.

  • Reading Topographic Maps (Robert Davidson)

    A general introduction with to maps, security, topographic map symbols, grids, the use of overlays, aerial photographs, land navigation, use of compass, orienteering, etc.

  • Software Innovation: Eight Work-Style Heuristics

    This book sets out the new field of software innovation. It organizes the existing scientific research into eight simple heuristics - guiding principles for organizing a system developer's work-life so that it focuses on innovation.

  • Don't Just Roll The Dice - A Usefully Short Guide to Software Pricing

    This usefully short book will help you get the theory, practical advice and case studies you need to stop you reaching for the dice.

  • Conversation Patterns for Software Professionals

    The main goal of this book is to give you two key skills: discovering the business needs and managing the conversation in a way that will enable you to collect precise and useful information.

  • Innovation Happens Elsewhere: Open Source as Business Strategy

    It's a plain fact: regardless of how smart, creative, and innovative your organization is, there are more smart, creative, and innovative people outside your organization than inside.

  • O'Reilly® 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know (K. Henney)

    With the 97 short and extremely useful tips for programmers in this book, you'll expand your skills by adopting new approaches to old problems, learning appropriate best practices, and honing your craft through sound advice.

  • High-Performance Teams: The Foundations (Richard Kasperowski)

    This book provides a framework for exploring the power of positivity and an abundance mindset, as well as the freedom that comes from engaging with work and colleagues honestly and transparently. Learn how to put in place the behaviors and commitments.

  • Commercial Aviation 101 (Greg Gayden)

    This book is an in-depth look at the ins and outs of the commercial aviation industry as it stands today. Tt will help the reader understand the policies and procedures that have been established to keep the skies of our nation safe.

  • Wikipedia: The Missing Manual (John Broughton)

    This book gives you practical advice on creating articles and collaborating with fellow editors, improving existing articles, and working with the Wikipedia community to review new articles, mediate disputes, and maintain the site.

  • How Wikipedia Works: And How You Can Be a Part of It?

    With insight, anecdotes, and tips from three Wikipedia veterans, you'll learn the skills required to use and contribute to the world's largest reference work-like what constitutes good writing and research and how to work with images and templates.

  • Creative Commons: A User Guide (Simone Aliprandi)

    This book is an operational manual which guides creators step by step in the world of Creative Commons licenses, the most famous and popular licenses for free distribution of intellectual products.

  • Linux Appliance Design: A Hands-On Guide (Bob Smith, et al)

    This book shows how to build better appliances - appliances with more types of interfaces, more dynamic interfaces, and better debugged interfaces. You'll learn how to build backend daemons, handle asynchronous events, and connect various user interfaces.

  • The Global Impact of Open Data: Key Findings from Case Studies

    Open data has spurred economic innovation, social transformation, etc. This book presents detailed case studies of open data projects throughout the world, along with in-depth analysis of what works and what doesn't.

  • Internet of Things (IoT) in 5 Days (Antonio Linan Colina, et al)

    This booklet is a quick but thoughtful guide to jump into the Internet of Things (IoT), covering important subjects as IPv6 networking, sensors, wireless protocols and technologies, as well as IoT cloud platforms and its most commonly used protocols, etc.

  • Mapping and the Citizen Sensor (Giles Foody, et al)

    The proliferation of inexpensive and highly mobile and location aware devices together with Web 2.0 technology have fostered the emergence of the citizen as a source of data. Mapping activities have benefitted greatly from advances in geoinformation technologies.

  • How Language Works: The Cognitive Science of Linguistics

    This book offers general readers a personal tour of the intricate workings of language. It will focus on a narrow range of topics and themes; there will be no pretense of covering the field in anything like a complete fashion.

  • Introduction to Metadata: 3rd Edition (Murtha Baca, et al)

    Provides an overview of Metadata - its types, roles, and characteristics; a discussion of metadata as it relates to resources on the Web; a description of methods, tools, standards, and protocols that can be used to publish and disseminate digital collections;

  • Accounting Succinctly: A Developer's Guide (Joe Booth)

    This book is a developer's guide to basic accounting. Written with business app development in mind, it discusses some of the most common accounting processes, including assets, multiple accounts, journaling, posting, inventory, and payroll.

  • Bitcoin Explained: Today's Complete Guide to Tomorrow's Currency

    Everyone's Been Asking - What is Bitcoin? Learn the Ins and Outs of Bitcoin, the elusive new currency, including Bitcoin Mining, how to buy, sell and invest, and how you can achieve long term profits!

  • Basic Income Tax (William Kratzke)

    This book is the third edition of a basic income tax text, revised for the 2015-2016 academic year. It is intended to be a readable text, suitable for a three-hour course for a class comprised of law students with widely different backgrounds.

  • Reverse Engineering for Beginners (Dennis Yurichev)

    This book teaches you how to decipher assembly language for those beginners who would like to learn to understand x86 (which accounts for almost all executable software in the world) and ARM code created by C/C++ compilers.

  • The Security Development Lifecycle: More Secure Software

    This book is the first to detail a rigorous, proven methodology that measurably minimizes security bugs - the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). It guides you through each stage of the SDL-from education and design to testing and post-release.

  • The Psychology of Menu Selection (Kent L. Norman)

    Menu selection is emerging as an important mode of human/computer interaction. This book, devoted to the topic, provides detailed theoretical and empirical information of interest to software designers and human/computer interaction specialists, etc.

  • Game Research Methods: An Overview (Petri Lankoski, et al)

    This book provides an introduction to various game research methods that are useful to students in all levels of higher education covering both quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods.

  • Applied Psychology: On The Driving Power Of Thought

    A classic psychology essay that explains why a successful business man in his eighties still wakes up early and reads the papers. It is a matter of developing good habits that makes people successful. This book will teach you how to develop the habits that lead to success.

  • Vulnerability Management for Dummies (Qualys)

    This book is all about what you can do to automatically manage vulnerabilities and keep your network safe from attack. It arms you with the facts and shows you how to implement a successful Vulnerability Management program.

  • The Coming Swarm: DDOS Actions, Hacktivism, and Internet

    This book examines the history, development, theory, and practice of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) actions as a tactic of political activism, with a historically grounded analysis, and a focus on early deployments of activist DDOS.

  • Building the Second Mind: The Origins of Artificial Intelligence

    This book tells the history of the origins of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As the field that seeks to do things that would be considered intelligent if a human being did them, AI is a constant of human thought.

  • Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking

    Anyone who thinks about programmers, open source, online communities, or the politics of intellectual property should have a copy of this book on the shelf.

  • PDF Succinctly (Ryan Hodson)

    Understanding the components of PDFs, how text and graphics are added to them, and how the final PDF is compiled. It also includes an introduction to iTextSharp, a C# library that provides an object-oriented wrapper for native PDF elements.

  • Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media (Jon Dron, et al)

    This book introduces a new model for understanding and exploiting the pedagogical potential of Web-based technologies, one that rests on connections - on networks and collectives - rather than on separations.

  • Invisible Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation

    Software platforms are the invisible engines that have created, touched, or transformed nearly every major industry for the past quarter century. They power everything from mobile phones and automobile navigation systems to search engines and web portals.

  • O'Reilly® PNG, The Definitive Guide (Greg Roelofs)

    This book addresses the needs of both graphic designers who want to get the most out of the format and programmers who want to add full PNG support to their own applications.

  • Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats: The Complete Reference

    This is the definitive work on file formats - the book that will become a classic for graphics programmers and everyone else who deals with the low-level technical details of graphics files.

  • An Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (Steve Bark)

    Learning Photoshop can be a daunting experience. This book is designed to place your feet firmly on the path to understanding and will guide you to the knowledge that will enable you to progress into a fast and productive Photoshop user.

  • Programming with Unicode (Victor Stinner)

    This book explains how to sympathize with Unicode, and how you should modify your program to avoid most, or all, issues related to encodings and Unicode. It offers specific guidance on integrating Unicode with other technologies.

  • The Unicode Cookbook for Linguists (Steven Moran, et al)

    This book is a practical guide to Unicode for linguists, and programmers, who work with data in multilingual computational environments. It describes a formal specification of orthography profiles and provide recipes using open source tools.

  • The Unicode Standard (The Unicode Consortium)

    This is the one book all developers using Unicode must have. The core specification gives the general principles, requirements for conformance, and guidelines for implementers. The code charts show representative glyphs for all the Unicode characters.

  • Open Government: Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation

    Through a collection of essays and case studies, leading visionaries and practitioners both inside and outside of government share their ideas on how to achieve and direct this emerging world of online collaboration, transparency, and participation.

  • Hubble's Legacy (Roger D. Launius, et al)

    This book, which includes contributions from historians of science, key scientists and administrators, and one of the principal astronauts who led many of the servicing missions, is meant to capture the history of this iconic instrument.

  • Hubble 25: A Quarter-Century of Discovery with the Telescope

    In celebration of the Hubble Space Telescope's 25th anniversary, explore 25 of Hubble's breathtaking and significant images. Along with companion descriptions and videos, the 25 images highlight the telescope's amazing capabilities.

  • Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet

    This engrossing book, brimming with amazing examples of gossip, slander, and rumor on the Internet, explores the profound implications of the online collision between free speech and privacy. It offers a fascinating account of how the Internet is transforming gossip, the way we shame others, and our ability to protect our own reputations.

  • Ancient Greek - A 21st Century Approach (Philip S. Peek)

    In a powerful account of the works of amazing ancient authors, this book reveals the beginnings of knowledge and wisdom in Ancient Greece. Greek Philosophy played a key role in Ancient Greek History and Culture. How does this help us today?

  • Bioscience and the Good Life (Iain Brassington)

    This book explores the complex relationship between modern biosciences and human flourishing, their sympathies and schisms, and the instances of their reconciliation. Here cognitive enhancement, longevity, and the spectacle of excellence in sports, are examined within the context of what constitutes a life well lived.

  • Category Theory for the Sciences (David I. Spivak)

    Using databases as an entry to category theory, this book explains category theory by examples, and shows that category theory can be useful outside of mathematics as a rigorous, flexible, and coherent modeling language throughout the sciences.

  • Routledge Handbook of Chinese Medicine (Vivienne Lo, et al.)

    This book is an extensive, interdisciplinary guide to the nature of traditional medicine and healing in the Chinese cultural region, and its plural epistemologies. It will be of interest to practitioners, patients and specialists, etc.

  • Genomes (Terence A. Brown)

    This book covers modern molecular genetics from the genomics perspective, including the sequencing of the human genome, characterization of genome expression and replication processes, and transcriptomics and proteomics.

  • Eye, Brain, and Vision (David H. Hubel)

    This book brings you to the edge of current knowledge about vision, and explores the tasks scientists face in deciphering the many remaining mysteries of vision and the workings of the human brain.

  • Tablet Topics (Jon Paul Olivier)

    Do you have a tablet or smartphone and only use it for one or two functions? Do you want to find out what else your device can do? This book shows many of the things your mobile device is capable of.

  • The ABC of PDF with iText: PDF Syntax Essentials (Bruno Lowagie)

    This book gives a short introduction to the syntax of the Portable Document Format. It's not the definitive guide, but it should be sufficient to help you out when reading the other iText books.

  • Interdisciplining Digital Humanities: Work in an Emerging Field

    The first book to test the claim that the emerging field of Digital Humanities is interdisciplinary and also examines the boundary work of establishing and sustaining a new field of study.

  • A Companion to Digital Humanities (Susan Schreibman, et al)

    Focusing on the experience of particular disciplines in applying computational methods to Digital Humanities research problems; the basic principles of humanities computing across applications and disciplines; specific applications and methods, etc.

  • Notam's Illustrated (Jerry Miller)

    Everything you will ever need to know about Notices to Airmen (NOTAM) is contained in this book, Notam's Illustrated, written by air traffic control specialist Jerome Miller who, as part of his job, issues notams. Don't expect it to read like a novel.

  • RAND and the Information Evolution: A History in Essays

    This book describes RAND1s contributions to the evolution of computer science, particularly during the first decades following World War II, etc..

  • After the Software Wars (Keith Cary Curtis)

    We have all the necessary hardware, and have had it for years, but don't yet have robot-driven cars because we don't have the software. This book explains how we can build better software and all get our own high-tech chauffeur.

  • Let Over Lambda - 50 Years of Lisp (Doug Hoyte)

    This book is one of the most hardcore computer programming books out there. Starting with the fundamentals, it describes the most advanced features of the most advanced language: Common Lisp.

  • A=B (Marko Petkovsek, Herbert S. Wilf, Doron Zeilberger)

    This book is of interest to mathematicians and computer scientists working in finite mathematics and combinatorics. It presents a breakthrough method for analyzing complex summations.

  • From ASCII Art to Comic Sans: Typography in the Digital Age

    Offers an original vision of the history of typography and computing in the digital age, viewed through the lens of offbeat typography - shows how text is always an image that conveys meaning, and how typography has shaped modern visual and material culture.

  • The Elements of Typographic Style (Robert Bringhurst)

    The typographic rules in this book aren't specific to particular software. You can apply these rules in just about any modern page-layout program or word processor - it skipped implementation issues that are especially basic or especially complicated.

  • Book of Speed: The Business, Psychology and Technology of Apps

    This book gives you practical industry examples and studies which expose the effects of performance on the bottom line. If you're not convinced that speed means money, read on.

  • Getting Started with MakerBot (Bre Pettis, Jay Shergill)

    This book shows you how the MakerBot open source 3D printer democratizes manufacturing and brings the power of large factories right to your desktop. Not only will you learn how to operate MakerBot, you'll also get guidelines.

  • Knowledge Management in Policing: Enforcing Law on Enterprises

    This book offers new insights into the understanding of organized crime based on the enterprise paradigm and the theory of profit-driven crimes. It will be a source of debate and inspiration for those in law enforcement and academia in this area.

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