- An Open Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms (Paul Bible, et al) (2023)
- Problem Solving with Algorithms/Data Structures using Python
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 3rd Edition
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java, 3rd Edition
- Algorithm Design and Analysis (Godfrey Justo)
- Algorithms for Optimization (Mykel J. Kochenderfer, et al.)
- Design of Heuristic Algorithms for Hard Optimization: With Python Codes
- Algorithms for Big Data (Hannah Bast, et al)
- Algorithms and Data Structures (Niklaus Wirth)
- Clever Algorithms: Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes
- Graph Algorithms: Practical Examples in Apache Spark and Neo4j
- Algorithms for Decision Making (Mykel Kochenderfer, et al)
- Lecture Notes for the Algorithms (Jeff Erickson)
- Algorithms: Fundamental Techniques (Macneil Shonle, et al)
- Algorithm Design (Jon Kleinberg, et al)
- Learning C with Pebble (Mike Jipping)
- Elementary Algorithms (Xinyu Liu)
- Think Data Structures: Algorithms and Information Retrieval
- Algorithm Design (Jon Kleinberg, et al)
- The Design of Approximation Algorithms (D. P. Williamson)
- Planning Algorithms (Steven M. LaValle)
- Parallel Algorithms (Henri Casanova, et al)
- Numerical Algorithms: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, etc.
- Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning (Csaba Szepesvari)
- Algorithms, 4th Edition, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
- Optimization Algorithms- Methods and Applications
- Algorithmic Problem Solving with Python (John B. Schneider)
- Text Algorithms (Maxime Crochemore, et al)
- Lecture Notes on Bucket Algorithms (Luc Devroye)
- The Little Book of Algorithms (William Lau) (2020)
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Dart (Jonathan Sande)
- Data Structures and Algorithms Using C (Debdutta Pal, et al.)
- Algorithms in C (Robert Sedgewick)
- Data Mining Algorithms in R (WikiBooks)