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- Title: Demystifying the Academic Research Enterprise: Becoming a Successful Scholar in a Complex and Competitive Environment
- Author(s) Kelvin K. Droegemeier
- Publisher: The MIT Press (December 19, 2023); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed)
- License(s): Creative Commons License (CC)
- Paperback: 350 pages
- eBook: PDF and PDF Files
- Language: English
- ISBN-10/ASIN: 0262547074
- ISBN-13: 978-0262547079
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What next-generation scholars need to know in order to thrive, and how they can actively participate in shaping the academic research enterprise. For undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and early career faculty.
About the Authors- N/A
- Demystifying the Academic Research Enterprise: Becoming a Successful Scholar in a Complex and Competitive Environment
- Being an Interdisciplinary Academic: How Institutions Shape University Careers
Gaming the Metrics: Misconduct in Academic Research
This book examines how the increasing reliance on metrics to evaluate scholarly publications has produced radically new forms of academic fraud and misconduct. It provides a map of academic fraud and misconduct today.
Academic Careers for Computer Scientists and Engineers
The information age has grown out of the work of experimental computer science, which is dedicated to the development of new hardware, software, graphics, interfaces, and other computer system technologies.
The Survival of a Mathematician: From Tenure-track to Emeritus
In short, this is a survival manual for the professional mathematician. A successful mathematical career involves doing good mathematics, to be sure, but also requires a wide range of skills that are not normally taught in graduate school.
What is Academic Freedom? A Century of Debate, 1915–Present
This book explores the history of the debate, from 1915 to the present, about the meaning of academic freedom, particularly as concerns political activism on the college campus.
What's the Worth? The Economic Values of College Majors
This report analyzes 171 majors in 15 categories. It tracks earnings by majors and provides key break outs on questions of race/ethnicity and the gender differences in earnings.
Men of Mathematics: Great Mathematicians from Zeno to Poincaré
This book provides a rich account of major mathematical milestones, from the geometry of the Greeks through Newton’s calculus, and on to the laws of probability, symbolic logic, and the fourth dimension.
The Story of Euclid (W. B. Frankland)
Euclid was a Greek mathematician, often referred to as the "Father of Geometry". His Elements is one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics, serving as the main textbook until the late 19th or early 20th century.
The Legacy of Felix Klein (Hans-Georg Weigand, et al)
This open access book provides an overview of Felix Klein's ideas. It discusses the meaning, importance and the legacy of Klein's ideas today and in the future, within an international, global context.
Paul Lorenzen - Mathematician and Logician (G. Heinzmann, et al)
This open access book examines the many contributions of Paul Lorenzen, an outstanding philosopher from the latter half of the 20th century. It features papers focused on integrating Lorenzen's original approach into the history of logic and mathematics.
A Beautiful Math: John Nash, Game Theory, and a Code of Nature
Today neuroscientists peer into game players brains, anthropologists play games with people from primitive cultures, biologists use games to explain the evolution of human language, and mathematicians exploit games to better understand social networks.
Making up Numbers: A History of Invention in Mathematics
This book offers a detailed but accessible account of a wide range of mathematical ideas. Starting with elementary concepts, it leads the reader towards aspects of current mathematical research.