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Computer and Video Game Design and Programming
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  • StarCraft: Legacy of the Real-Time Strategy (Simon Dor)

    StarCraft (Blizzard Entertainment, 1998) is a real-time strategy video game, this book examines the game’s unanticipated effect by delving into the history of the game and the two core competencies it encouraged: decoding and foreseeing.

  • So You Want to be a Computer Game Developer? (Diana Gruber)

    If you have the brains, the talent, and the courage to take risks, a career in Computer Game Development may be right for you. Explore all the essential steps towards the resources you need to prosper in the game industry.

  • Run and Jump: The Meaning of the 2D Platformer (Peter McDonald)

    How abstract design decisions in 2D platform games create rich worlds of meaning for players. This book surveys the legacy of 2D platform games and examines how abstract and formal design choices have kept players playing.

  • Program a Game Engine from Scratch (Mark Claypool)

    An aspiring game programmer will gain an in-depth understanding of a game engine. Understanding choices required to achieve general purpose functionality to support a variety of games.

  • AI Game Engine Programming (Brian Schwab)

    Provides game developers with the tools and information they need to create modern Game AI engines. Covering the four principle elements of game artificial intelligence, the book takes you from theory to actual game development.

  • Game AI Pro: Collected Wisdom of Game AI Professionals

    Presents state-of-the-art tips, tricks, and techniques drawn from developers of shipped commercial games as well as some of the best-known academics in the field, acts as a toolbox of proven techniques coupled with the newest advances in Game AI.

  • Procedural Content Generation in Games (Noor Shaker, et al.)

    This book presents the most up-to-date coverage of Procedural Content Generation (PCG) for games, specifically the procedural generation of levels, landscapes, items, rules, quests, or other types of content.

  • Time and Space in Video Games: A Cognitive-Formalist Approach

    Video games are temporal artifacts: They change with time as players interact with them in accordance with rules. This book investigates the formal aspects of video games that determine how these changes are produced and sequenced.

  • Scripting Farming Simulator with Lua: Unlocking the Virtual Fields

    Create mods using the popular game Farming Simulator with Lua. This open access book is best suited for programmers who want to learn how to use Lua to write scripts that can enhance and extend the gameplay experience.

  • Game Programming Patterns (Robert Nystrom)

    This book brings the benefits of reusable design patterns to the world of game programming. It bridges from the ivory tower world of software architecture to the in-the-trenches reality of hardcore game programming.

  • Mathematics for Game Developers (Denny Burzynski)

    This book explores the mathematics behind how scenes appear, characters move, and action evolves. The basic ideas of how mathematical instruments control action and motion in the games you develop.

  • Unity By Example (Robert Wells)

    Learn Unity game development with C# through a series of practical projects ranging from building a simple 2D game to adding AR/VR experiences and machine learning capabilities in a simple yet effective way

  • Game Programming (Penn Wu)

    This book is to help students to learn fundamental principles that apply to game programming regardless of the language they use to create the game, like gathering input from users, processing game data, and rendering game objects to the screen.

  • The Rule Book: The Building Blocks of Games (Jaakko Stenros)

    How games are built on the foundations of rules, and how rules - of which there are only five kinds - really work. This book explores how different kinds of rules work as building blocks of games.

  • Games and Rules: Game Mechanics for the Magic Circle

    Why do we play games and why do we play them on computers? The contributors of »Games and Rules« take a closer look at the core of each game and the motivational system that is the game mechanics.

  • A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Game Hacking Techniques

    Game hacking allows you to add functionality and change how games work. Whether your goal is to add a new unit to an RTS game or create an aimbot for a FPS game, this book will teach you what you need to become a true game hacker.

  • Build Your Own First-Person Shooter in Unity

    Making a fast-paced 3D action game needn't be as daunting as it sounds. This book will take you step-by- step through the process of making Zombie Panic using Unity: a frenetic battle for survival inside a castle heaving with the undead.

  • A Quick Guide to Artificial Intelligence with Unity (Patrick Felicia)

    In this book, you will discover how to create intelligent Non-Player Characters using simple techniques and built-in Assets and include common AI features found in 3D games, and learn and practice as you go.

  • The New Video Game Idea Book (Lucifer White)

    This book gives game makers ideas for a great new video game. It does so by giving the game maker new and old ideas to work with. It also goes over the philosophy of what makes a good video game, helps the game maker's imagination, etc.

  • 2D Game Development: From Zero To Hero (Penaz, et al.)

    The book consists of lecture notes which are designed to help students to learn fundamental principles that apply to game programming regardless of the language they use to create the game.

  • The New Game Makers Bible (Lucifer White)

    This is the premier book for game makers wanting their games to be the best they can be. It covers a large range of topics allowing the game maker to make the best games they can even down to the smallest of details.

  • Game Design with AGS (Dave Ensminger, et al)

    Adventure Game Studio (AGS) is an open-source tool which is best for creating graphic point and click style adventure games. AGS provides all the tools you need to make a complete game, including graphics, sounds and scripting.

  • Designing Adaptive Virtual Worlds (Ning Gu, et al.)

    This book takes the design of places for education, entertainment, online communities, business, and cultural activities in 3D Virtual World to a new level. The place metaphor provides a rich source of styles and examples for designing in 3D virtual worlds.

  • Designing Virtual Worlds (Richard A. Bartle)

    This book is the most comprehensive treatment of Virtual World design to-date from one of the true pioneers and most sought-after design consultants. It brings a rich, well-developed approach to the design concepts behind virtual worlds.

  • A Quick Guide to C# with Unity (Patrick Felicia)

    If you always wanted to get started fast with C# and Unity, then this book is for you. It is a perfect introduction to C# programming and will explain and show you how you can create your own C# scripts from scratch, and interact with Unity's objects.

  • A Quick Guide to Card Games with Unity (Patrick Felicia)

    This book will get you started very fast and create a simple card matching game, you will discover how to create most of the features found in card games by using simple techniques, and you will learn and practice as you go.

  • A Quick Guide to 2D Infinite Runners with Unity (Patrick Felicia)

    You will discover how to create a simple infinite (or endless) runner using simple techniques, and built-in shape primitives and include common features found in 2D infinite runners using a hands-on approach where you learn and practice as you go.

  • A Quick Guide to Procedural Levels with Unity (Patrick Felicia)

    You will discover how to create your game levels from your code using simple techniques, use text, images and XML file to design your levels and save you a lot of time in the process using a hands-on approach where you learn and practice as you go.

  • 3D Game Shaders For Beginners (David Lettier)

    Interested in adding textures, lighting, shadows, normal maps, glowing objects, ambient occlusion, reflections, refractions, and more to your 3D game? Great! Below is a collection of shading techniques that will take your game visuals to new heights.

  • Design Patterns of Successful Role-Playing Games

    In a Role-Playing Games (RPG), users control a character, usually in the game's imaginary universe. This book contains patterns, both good and bad, gleaned from a study of many traditional and cutting-edge role-playing games. Game Summaries are also included.

  • Code the Classics – Volume 1 (David Crookes, et al.)

    This book not only tells the stories of some of the seminal video games of the 1970s and 1980s, but shows you how to create your own games inspired by them using Python and Pygame Zero, following examples programmed by Raspberry Pi founder Eben Upton.

  • MonoGame Role-Playing Game Development Succinctly

    For MonoGame developers looking to build their own role-playing game, this ebook is an essential guide. It breaks down design complexities into smaller topics that are easy to think through to help you produce a working game.

  • The Art of Computer Game Design (Chris Crawford)

    This book is one of the pioneer works seriously about video game. It talks about such topics as what is a game, why people play games, and how to design a game, all about the foundational skills behind the design and architecture of a game.

  • Scratch Programming Playground: Making Cool Games

    Scratch, the colorful drag-and-drop programming language, is used by millions of first-time learners, and in this book, you'll learn to program by making cool games. Get ready to destroy asteroids, shoot hoops, and slice and dice fruit!

  • More than a Game: The Computer Game as Fictional Form

    This book considers the computer game as a new and emerging mode of contemporary storytelling, discusses questions of narrative and realism in four of the most significant games of the last decade: Tomb Raider, Half-Life, Close Combat and SimCity.

  • Ray Tracing Gems II: Real-Time Rendering with DXR, Vulkan, OptiX

    This book is a must-have for anyone interested in real-time rendering. Ray Tracing is the holy grail of gaming graphics, simulating the physical behavior of light to bring real-time, cinematic-quality rendering to even the most visually intense games.

  • Ray Tracing Gems: High-Quality & Real-Time Rendering with DXR

    This book is a must-have for anyone serious about rendering in real time. With the announcement of new Ray Tracing APIs and hardware to support them, developers can easily create real-time applications with ray tracing as a core component.

  • Blender 3D: Noob to Pro (Wikibooks)

    This book is a series of tutorials to help new users learn Blender. The tutorials increase in difficulty, and later tutorials are built on the previous ones. Therefore, Blender beginners should follow the tutorials in sequence.

  • Blender 3D Geometry Nodes (John M. Blain)

    Geometry Nodes are one of the additions to Blender. Geometry Nodes are a Node System for creating Arrays or Patterns to be used in visual effects or for creating complex shapes. The examples and instruction assumes a reasonably advanced knowledge of Blender.

  • Blender Reference Manual (Hirako San, et al.)

    This is the only book that takes you extensively through the entire learning process of the 3D Modelling and Animation software: Blender. Showing you the tools and techniques professional animators use to create everything that can be done by Blender.

  • Beginner's Guide to Blender (Premium Beat)

    The complete novice's guide to 3D modeling and animation with step-by-step tutorials. This book teaches you how to model a nautical scene, complete with boats and water, and then add materials, lighting, and animation.

  • Game Design Research (Petri Lankoski, et al)

    Design research is an active academic field covering disciplines such as architecture, graphic, product, service, interaction, and systems design. The book demonstrates different approaches to design research in game design research.

  • Program Arcade Games: With Python and Pygame (Paul Craven)

    Learn and use Python and PyGame to design and build cool arcade games. After reading and using this book, you'll be able to learn to program and build simple arcade game applications using one of today's most popular programming languages, Python.

  • Coding Games With Pygame Zero and Python (Richard Smith)

    Teach pro-gramming using action games used to make learning more interesting. Some of the examples are entirely focused on introducing new language concepts or showing how the Pygame Zero API works, but most are a mixture of both.

  • MonoGame Succinctly (Jim Perry)

    This book offers an introduction to MonoGame for C# developers who have not yet mastered Microsoft's XNA technology. By the end of the book, you will have created a game worthy of being published.

  • Coding with Minecraft: Learn to Code by Programming Robots

    This book is a hands-on introduction to coding that teaches you how to program bots to do cool things in the game you love - Minecraft! This book takes the robotic "turtle" method, and extends it to the 3D, interactive world of Minecraft.

  • Game Programming in Haskell (Elise Huard, et al.)

    This book gives an introduction on how to write a game in Haskell. It is a practical book with code examples and pointers to open source code repositories. The aim is to get the readers to develop their own game as painlessly as possible.

  • Comics and Videogames (Andreas Rauscher, et al)

    This book offers the first comprehensive study of the many interfaces shaping the relationship between comics and videogames. It combines in-depth conceptual reflection with a rich selection of paradigmatic case studies from contemporary media culture.

  • Videogames and Agency (Bettina Bódi)

    This book explores the trend in videogames and their marketing to offer a player higher volumes, or even more distinct kinds, of player freedom, and how this freedom to act is discussed by designers, and how that in turn reflects in their design principles.

  • Storyplaying: Agency and Narrative in Video Games

    Incontestably, Future Narratives are most conspicuous in video games: they combine narrative with the major element of all games: agency. Agency is the degree to which a player is able to cause significant change in a game world.

  • Data-Oriented Design (Richard Fabian)

    This book is a practical guide for serious game developers. It is for game developers working to create triple A titles across multiple platforms, for independent developers trying to get the most out of their chosen target hardware.

  • Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 4th Edition

    It teaches you how to program computer games in the Python programming language. Each chapter gives you the complete source code for a new game. It was written to be understandable by anyone of any age who has never programmed before.

  • Building Games in Object-Oriented Python (Steven F. Lott)

    This book will help you build Object-Oriented design skills through the creation of a moderately complex family of games. It is a step-by-step guide to OO design and implementation for developers who want to use Python to create efficient programs.

  • Developing Games With Ruby (Tomas Varaneckas)

    If you have a little experience programming in Ruby, then you're ready to start making your own video games. In this book you'll learn concepts such as animation, keyboard and mouse movement, sounds and music, and physics as you build exciting games.

  • 3D Game Development with LWJGL 3 (Antonio H. Bejarano)

    This book introduces the main concepts required to write a 3D game using the LWJGL 3 library - a Java library that provides access to native APIs used in the development of graphics (OpenGL), audio (OpenAL) and parallel computing (OpenCL) applications.

  • Cross-Platform Game Programming with gameplay3d

    This guide will begin by introducing you to gameplay3d, before delving more deeply into its many features. Clear step-by-step examples will be provided, along with code samples which can be tailored towards your own projects.

  • Simulating Humans: Computer Graphics Animation and Control

    The book is intended for human factors engineers interested in understanding how a computer-graphics surrogate human can augment their analyses of designed environments.

  • HTML5 Games Shoot 'em Up in an Afternoon (Bryan Bibat)

    Learn how to make a simple top-down shoot 'em up in a few hours using the Phaser HTML5 game framework. This book covers all of the basics: from placing and moving sprites, to managing collision detection and unit health, up to setting up a boss fight.

  • Make Games with Python on Raspberry Pi (Sean M. Tracey)

    You are going to learn how to make a game on our Raspberry Pi from the ground up. It is designed to help you learn many of the essential skills you'll need to make games with Python and Pygame on your Raspberry Pi.

  • Mathematical Applications for Game Development (R. Baldwin)

    This book presents applications of mathematics and science in game and simulation programming. Includes the utilization of matrix and vector operations, kinematics, and Newtonian principles in games and simulations. Also covers code optimization.

  • Game Research Methods: An Overview (Petri Lankoski, et al)

    This book provides an introduction to various game research methods that are useful to students in all levels of higher education covering both quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods.

  • Direct3D Succinctly: Develop fully 3-D Games and Applications

    Requiring only a background in C++, this book will guide you through the process of developing your own 3-D applications. It helps you fully leverage the potential capabilities of Direct3D.

  • Pro Java 6 3D Game Development: Java 3D, JOGL, JInput and JOAL

    Shows you how to develop and program 3D games in Java technology on a PC, with an emphasis on the construction of 3D landscapes, with features relevant to gaming: splash screens, JavaScript scripting as well as the desktop and system tray interfaces, etc.

  • O'Reilly® Killer Game Programming in Java (Andrew Davison)

    This book is a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know to program cool, testosterone-drenched Java games. It gives you reusable techniques to create everything from fast, full-screen action games to multiplayer 3D games.

  • Learning Java by Building Android Games (John Horton)

    This book gives you the skills you need to learn the ins and outs of Java by developing your own Android games! From setting up your own developer environment to learning the ins and outs of the language you'll discover everything that Java can offer.

  • Making Games with Python and Pygame (Albert Sweigart)

    This is a programming book that covers the Pygame game library for the Python programming language, written to be understandable by kids as young as 10 to 12 years old, although it is great for anyone of any age who has some familiarity with Python.

  • Programming Linux Games (John R. Hall, et al.)

    This book is a complete guide to developing Linux games, written by the Linux gaming experts. It discusses important multimedia toolkits and teaches the basics of Linux game programming.

  • Hacking the Xbox: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering

    This book shows Xbox owners how to increase the value and utility of their system, Hacking the Xbox features step-by-step tutorials on hardware modification that teach basic hacking techniques as well as essential reverse engineering skills.

  • Introduction to Programming Through Game using Microsoft Xna

    Learn the underlying skills and principles of software development - as you design and build your first games for Xbox 360, Windows, and Zune.

  • Programming Vertex, Geometry, and Pixel Shaders (W. Engel)

    This practical reference covers all of the advanced rendering techniques important for graphics programmers in the game and film industries, and will help them implement these techniques efficiently with DirectX 10.

  • Tap, Move, Shake: Turing Your Game Ideas into iOS Apps

    Got a good game idea? Turn your concept into a hot game app for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with this do-it-yourself guide. It helps you build multitouch games that take full advantage of iOS, and shows you how to prepare your app for the App Store.

  • Mastering IOS Game Development (Miguel DeQuadros)

    This book provides an easy-to-understand and fun approach to game development, with step-by-step instructions and detailed explanation of each block of code. The topics covered range from easy to advanced, so buckle up for a fast-paced ride!

  • Programming The Nintendo Game Boy Advance (J. S. Harbour)

    This book is written in an easily understood manner suitable for beginning games developers. If you're a more advanced programmer, you can go right to the sections describing the hardware systems.

  • Pangea Software's Ultimate Game Programming Guide for Mac OS X

    The book covers all of the nuances dealing with various Mac OS technologies such as the HID Manager, OpenGL, OpenAL, Core Graphics, Rendezvous, Quicktime, and more.

  • Java Game Development Tutorials (Fabian Birzele, et al.)

    This tutorial teaches you the fundamentals of building a highly illustrative game using Java. You'll come away with a cool Java-based 2D game application template that you can re-use and apply to your own game making ambitions or for fun.

  • Creating Games in C++: A Step-by-Step Guide (David Conger)

    This book has everything you need to create your first game in C++. Starts at square one, introducing the tools of the trade and all the basic concepts for getting started programming with C++, the language that powers most current commercial games.

  • 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development (F. Dunn)

    Working C++ classes for mathematical and geometric entities and several different matrix classes illustrate how to put the techniques into practice, and exercises at the end of each chapter help reinforce the 3D programming concepts.

  • Vector Math for 3D Computer Graphics, 4th Revision (Bradley Kjell )

    This is a tutorial on vector algebra and matrix algebra from the viewpoint of computer graphics. It covers most vector and matrix topics needed to read college-level computer graphics text books.

  • Beginning C++ Through Game Programming, 3rd Ed (M. Dawson)

    This book approaches learning C++ from the unique and fun perspective of games. Written for the beginning game developers or programmers, each new skill and concept is taught using simple language and step-by-step instructions.

  • Tabletop: Analog Game Design (Greg Costikyan, Drew Davidson)

    In this book, people of diverse backgrounds talk about tabletop games, game culture, and the intersection of games with learning, theater, and other forms. All cast some light on what is a multivarious and fascinating set of game styles.

  • A Practical Introduction to 3D Game Development (Yasser Jaffal)

    This book introduces the reader to the programming skills necessary to develop 2D and 3D computer games. It lists a number of common game mechanics, and illustrates through examples how these mechanics can be bound to each other.

  • Wireless Game Development in C/C++ with BREW (R. Barbagallo)

    It takes you through the fundamentals of the BREW API, including graphics, sound, and input, and brings it all together with a complete example of a working game.

  • J2ME and Gaming (Jason Lam)

    About programming with J2ME on wireless devices with focus on developing games, assuming you know some J2ME and J2SE. Focusing primarily on mobile phone game creation, You'll be amazed at just how cool the games you create can look and play.

  • Augmented Reality Game Development (Micheal Lanham)

    This book will take you on a journey through building a location-based AR game that addresses the core technical concepts: GIS fundamentals, mobile device GPS, mapping, map textures in Unity, mobile device camera, camera textures in Unity, etc.

  • Unity Game Development Essentials (Tommaso Lintrami)

    This book is an easy-to-follow guide that introduces you to tips and techniques to code Unity games in C#. Using practical and hands-on examples across comprehensive chapters, you'll learn how C# can be applied creatively to build professional-grade games that sell.

  • Well Played 1.0: Video Games, Value and Meaning (Drew Davidson)

    This book is full of in-depth close readings of video games that parse out the various meanings to be found in the experience of playing a game. The goal is to help develop and define a literacy of games as well as a sense of their value as an experience.

  • Well Played 2.0: Video Games, Value and Meaning (Drew Davidson)

    This book analyzes sequences in a game in detail in order to illustrate and interpret how the various components of a game can come together to create a fulfilling playing experience unique to this medium.

  • Well Played 3.0: Video Games, Value and Meaning (Drew Davidson)

    This book again looks at video games, some that were covered in Well Played 1.0 and 2.0 as well as new ones, in order to provide a variety of perspectives on more great games - to provide a variety of perspectives on more great games.

  • Wandering Games (Melissa Kagen)

    Wandering in games can be a theme, a formal mode, or a player action. It can mean walking, escaping, traversing, meandering, or returning. This book introduces the concept of "wandering games," exploring the uses of wandering in a variety of game worlds.

  • Persuasive Gaming in Context (Teresa de la Hera, et al.)

    It offers a multifaceted reflection on persuasive gaming, that is, on the process of these particular games being played by players. The purpose is to better understand when and how digital games can be used for persuasion by further exploring persuasive games.

  • Possible Worlds in Video Games (Antonio Jose Planells de la Maza)

    This book proposes a model, inspired by the Semantics of Fiction and Possible Worlds, which is oriented to the analysis of video games as integrated systems. In this regard, contemporary video games should be read more like playable worlds than as interactive stories.

  • Players Unleashed! Modding The Sims and the Culture of Gaming

    This book provides a fascinating examination of modding, tracing its evolution and detailing its impact on The Sims and the game industry as a whole. It shares insights into specific modifications and the cultural contexts from which they emerge.

  • Missions For Thoughtful Gamers (Andrew Cutting)

    Who am I? How do I live a good life? What is reality? Such perennial questions may seem remote from the pleasures of playing videogames for entertainment and fantasy. This book presents a sequence of 40 challenges for gamers.

  • Gamer Theory (McKenzie Wark)

    This book uncovers the significance of games in the gap between the near-perfection of actual games and the highly imperfect gamespace of everyday life in the rat race of free-market society.

  • This Gaming Life: Travels in Three Cities (Jim Rossignol)

    A fascinating and eye-opening look into the real human impact of gaming culture. Traveling the globe and drawing anecdotes from many walks of life, it takes us beyond the media hype and into the lives of real people whose lives have been changed by gaming.

  • Trigger Happy: Videogames and the Entertainment Revolution

    This revolutionary book is the first-ever academically worthy and deeply engaging critique of one of today's most popular forms of play: videogames are on track to supersede movies as the most innovative form of entertainment in the new century.

  • Co-creating Videogames (John Banks)

    Drawing on a decade of research within the industry, it offers a rich description and analysis of the emerging participatory, co-creative relationships within the videogames industry, and valuable insight into the growing world of video games.

  • DOOM: SCARYDARKFAST (Dan Pinchbeck)

    This is a book about what is considered the most important first-person game ever made; about the blueprint that has defined one of the most successful genres of digital gaming. The author brings together the complete story of DOOM for the first time.

  • Play Redux: The Form of Computer Games (David Myers)

    Play Redux is an ambitious description and critical analysis of the aesthetic pleasures of video game play, drawing on early twentieth-century formalist theory and models of literature.

  • The Ecology of Games: Connecting Youth, Games, and Learning

    Aims to expand upon and add nuance to the debate over the value of games which so far has been vociferous but overly polemical and surprisingly shallow, looks at games as systems in which young users participate, as gamers, producers, and learners.

  • Game Plan: Designs That Changed the Face of Computer Gaming

    Illustrated with original concept sketches, work in progress CGI renders, and screenshots of the finished creations, Game Plan offers a chance to both savor its past and catch a glimpse of its stellar future.

  • PSX: The Guide to the Sony Playstation (Kevin Bryan)

    The complete guide to the Sony Playstation. Collector info, interviews, history of the PSX, prototypes, images, everything you could want. Here is the story of how an eccentric Tokyo-born engineer succeeded in his dream of bringing 3D games to the masses.

  • Flight Simulation Books (Kevin Savetz, et al)

    A collection of 21 Classical Flight Simulation Books available on the web. Everything there is available with permission of the copyright holders. More than 2,200 printed pages have been digitized into 800+ web pages.

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