Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World
JavaScript Frameworks/Libraries (React.js, Angular, Node.js, etc.)
A collection of JavaScript Frameworks/Libraries related books, including (but not limited to): React.js, Angular/AngularJS, Node.js, Vue.js, Backbone.js, Ember.js, Knockout.js, Dojo.js, D3.js, Three.js, Leaflet.js, Google Maps API, Bing Maps API, etc.
Learning Patterns: Web Apps with vanilla JavaScript and React
Patterns are time-tested templates for writing code. In this book, you will learn design patterns, performance and rendering patterns for building high-quality web applications using modern JavaScript and React.
JavaScript Simplified (Taye Abidakun)
This book begins by teaching you the JavaScript language from the ground up. Then it takes you beyond the fundamentals, so you understand and learn to use advanced programming features.
Eloquent JavaScript, 4th Edition: A Modern Introduction
Eloquent JavaScript dives deep into the JavaScript language to show you how to write beautiful, effective code. It immerses you in example code from the start, while exercises and full-chapter projects give you hands-on experience.
JavaScript for Impatient Programmers (Axel Rauschmayer)
This book makes JavaScript less challenging to learn for newcomers, by offering a modern view that is as consistent as possible. No prior knowledge of JavaScript is required, but you should know how to program.
Deep JavaScript: Theory and Techniques (Axel Rauschmayer)
In depth knowledge of JavaScript makes it easier to learn a variety of other frameworks, including Node.js, React, Angular, and related tools and libraries. This book is designed to help you cover the core JavaScript concepts you need to build modern applications.
You Don't Know JS Yet: Get Started - 2nd Ed. (Kyle Simpson)
By learning the basic building blocks of programming, as well as JavaScript's core mechanisms, you'll be prepared to dive into the other, more in-depth books in the series and be well on your way toward true JavaScript.
You Don't Know JS Yet: Scope and Closures, 2nd Edition
This concise yet in-depth guide takes you inside scope and closures, two core concepts you need to know to become a more efficient and effective JavaScript programmer. You'll learn how and why they work, and how to use it, etc.
JavaScript: The First 20 Years (Allen Wirfs-Brock, et al)
This book tells the story of the creation, design, evolution, and standardization of the JavaScript language over the period of 1995–2015. But the story is not only about the technical details of the language.
Mostly Adequate Guide To Functional Programming in JavaScript
This is a book on the functional paradigm in general. We'll use the world's most popular functional programming language: JavaScript. This makes it possible to practice and apply your acquired knowledge each day on real world programs.
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs in JavaScript
This book introduces the reader to central ideas of computation by establishing a series of mental models for computation. It has had a dramatic impact on computer science curricula over the past decades. Examples are implemented using the JavaScript.
Oh My JavaScript: The Best JavaScript Articles (Azat Mardan)
This book is a compilation of publicly available resources conveniently edited and packaged in an ebook format (PDF, ePub, mobi). Attributions are carefully preserved. It will save your many hours of frustrations and internet searches!
The Recursive Book of Recursion using JavaScript (Al Sweigart)
Recursion has an intimidating reputation. This book uses Python and JavaScript examples to teach the basics of recursion, exposing the ways that it's often poorly taught and clarifying the fundamental principles of all recursive algorithms.
Understanding ECMAScript 6 (Nicholas C. Zakas)
This book is a guide for the transition between ECMAScript 5 and 6. In particular, this book is aimed at intermediate-to-advanced JavaScript developers (both browser and Node.js environments) who want to learn about the future of the language.
Functional-Light JavaScript (Kyle Simpson)
This book is a balanced, pragmatic exploration of Functional Programming (FP) in JavaScript. It explores the core principles of FP as they are applied to JavaScript without drowning in all the heavy terminology.
Building Front-End Web Apps with Plain JavaScript (Gerd Wagner)
This book shows how to build front-end web applications with plain JavaScript, not using any (third-party) framework or library. A front-end web application can be provided by any web server, but it is executed on the user's computer devices.
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns: A Developer's Guide
This book explore many popular design patterns, including Modules, Observers, Facades, and Mediators. You'll learn how to write beautiful, structured, and maintainable JavaScript by applying classical and modern design patterns to the language.
Understanding the DOM - Document Object Model (Tania Rascia)
To be a proficient web developer, having a deep understanding of what the DOM is and how to work with it is essential. This book provides a base understanding of the DOM, and explores the most common and useful methods for interacting with the DOM.
Speaking JavaScript: An In-Depth Guide for Programmers
Speaking JavaScript helps you approach the language with four standalone sections. First, a quick-start guide teaches you just enough of the language to help you be productive right away.
Object-Oriented JavaScript, 2nd Edition (Stoyan Stefanov, et al.)
This book shows you everything you need to learn object oriented JavaScript, demonstrating valuable techniques and strategies that you can use to fully experience the impressive capabilities of the language.
JavaScript Enlightenment: Grokking Modern JavaScript
This short and digestible summary of JavaScript ES2015, ES2016, ES2017, ES2018, and ES2019 focuses on the nature of objects in JavaScript. It groks new JavaScript code while learning JavaScript frameworks and tools, should be much more comfortable.
Most Essential Concepts Of JavaScript (Satyapriya Mishra, et al.)
This book does not cover the end to end explanation of the concepts of the language, but it tries to touch upon the most important and the quirkiest parts of JavaScript. The concepts explained are not in any particular order of representation.
You Don't Know JS Yet: ES.Next & Beyond
It focuses on new features available in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), the latest version of the standard upon which JavaScript is built. It dives into trickier parts of the language that many JavaScript programmers either avoid or know nothing about.
You Don't Know JS Yet: Async & Performance
This concise yet in-depth guide focuses on new asynchronous features and performance techniques including Promises, generators, and Web Workers that let you create sophisticated single-page web applications and escape callback hell in the process.
You Don't Know JS Yet: Objects and Classes
This concise, in-depth guide takes you inside JavaScript's this structure and object prototypes. You'll learn how they work and why they're integral to behavior delegation a design pattern in which objects are linked, rather than cloned.
You Don't Know JS Yet: Types and Grammar
This compact guide explores JavaScript types in greater depth than previous treatments by looking at type coercion problems, demonstrating why types work, and showing you how to take advantage of these features.
Exploring ES6: Upgrade to the Next Version of JavaScript
This book contains reliable and in-depth information on ECMAScript 6, the next version of JavaScript. If you are a JavaScript developer with basic development experience, and now want to learn about the latest features of JavaScript, then this book is for you.
Deep Learning with JavaScript: Neural Networks in TensorFlow.js
This book shows developers how they can bring Deep Learning technology to the web. Written by the main authors of the TensorFlow library, it provides fascinating use cases and in-depth instruction for deep learning apps in JavaScript in your browser or on Node.
Neural Networks with JavaScript Succinctly (James McCaffrey )
This book leads you through the fundamental concepts of neural networks, including its architecture, its input-output, tanh and softmax activation, back-propagation, error and accuracy, normalization and encoding, and model interpretation.
The Past, Present, and Future of JavaScript (Axel Rauschmayer)
It explains how the combination of several technologies and opportunities in the past 15 years turned JavaScript's fortunes. Its phenomenal rise from a simple client-side scripting tool to a versatile and flexible programming language exceeded everyone's expectations.
JavaScript Essentials (Neil Smyth)
The purpose of this book is to provide the essentials of JavaScript so that anyone with a web site can use this powerful scripting language quickly and effectively without having to learn things that, whilst within the capabilities of JavaScript.
Programming Persistent Memory: A Comprehensive Guide
The book explains fundamental concepts, provides an introduction to Persistent Memory programming APIs for C, C++, JavaScript, and other languages, discusses RMDA with persistent memory; reviews security features; and presents many examples.
Exploring ES2018 and ES2019 (Axel Rauschmayer)
This book covers what's new in two versions of JavaScript: ECMAScript 2018 and 2019. You will understand the more complex sides of JavaScript such as the inheritance model, low-level memory management, multithreaded environments, and web workers.
Exploring ES2016 and ES2017 (Axel Rauschmayer)
This book is about ECMAScript 2016 and ECMAScript 2017, new versions of JavaScript. It only covers what's new in those versions.
The JavaScript Way (Baptiste Pesquet)
This book aims to be a useful companion for anyone wishing to (re)discover the many facets of JavaScript. Numerous brain cycles were spent to make it Beginner-friendly yet comprehensive, Standards-aligned, Hands-on, and Easy to follow.
Practical Modern JavaScript: Dive into ES6 and the Future
This book gets you started, bringing together concepts that are helpful to understand before tackling your next modern JavaScript app. You'll learn about the scope and challenges that await you in the world of modern web development.
ECMAScript 6 Succinctly (Matthew Duffield)
This book is a concise introduction to ECMAScript 6 (ES6). It teaches you how to develop applications using all of those ECMAScript 6 (ES6) new functionality and features. You can also target browsers that don't even support ES6 yet using a transpiler.
O'Reilly® High Performance Browser Networking (Ilya Grigorik)
This book provides a hands-on overview of what every web developer needs to know about the various types of networks (WiFi, 3G/4G), transport protocols (UDP, TCP, and TLS), application protocols (HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2), and APIs available in the browser.
Composing Software: Functional and Object in JavaScript
All software design is composition: the act of breaking complex problems down into smaller problems and composing those solutions. Most developers have a limited understanding of compositional techniques. It's time for that to change.
WebGL Insights (Patrick Cozzi)
This book shares experience-backed lessons learned by the WebGL community. It presents proven techniques that will be helpful to both intermediate and advanced WebGL developers. It demonstrates the breadth and depth of WebGL.
O'Reilly® The Problem with Native JavaScript APIs (N. C. Zakas)
It provides a case study to show how different browsers can develop native APIs for the same specification and still end up with different interpretations. You'll discover how these APIs can tie your code to specific browsers, forcing you to upgrade application logic whenever new browsers and new browser versions are released.
The TypeScript Handbook (Microsoft)
Intended to be a comprehensive document that explains TypeScript to everyday programmers. Read it by going from top to bottom in the left-hand navigation. Each chapter or page to provide you with a strong understanding of the given concepts.
Tackling TypeScript: Upgrading from JavaScript
If you're a programmer with intermediate JavaScript experience, this book will get you a quick start for TypeScript that teaches you the essentials quickly and digs deeper into the language and covers many important topics in detail.
TypeScript in 50 Lessons (Stefan Baumgartner)
This book breaks down the quirks of TypeScript into short, manageable lessons. You’ll make sense of TypeScript concepts, tooling for TypeScript and how to get most out of it without learning a new language. Everything TypeScript explained, from start to finish.
TypeScript Deep Dive (Basarat Ali Syed)
This book is an exploration of TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript. The first part of the book explains to you what TypeScript is and what it is used for. You will also learn how it is related to JavaScript.
TypeScript Succinctly: The .NET approach to JavaScript
This book teaches you how TypeScript provides optional static typing and classes to JavaScript development, how to create and load modules, and how to work with existing JavaScript libraries through ambient declarations.
TypeScript Accelerated (James Porter)
This book embraces new technologies to allow you to learn with interactive learning Apps and other resources like books, quizzes and more. They aim to overcome the 'Google Effect' and achieve genuine fluency with Modern Software Development technologies.
TypeScript for C# Programmers (Steve Fenton)
This book is aimed at .NET programmers and explains key concepts as well as similarities and differences between TypeScript and C#. There is a quick start guide in the first chapter that introduces the syntax.
Human JavaScript: For Simple but Powerful JavaScript Apps
This is a book about a specific set of JavaScript tools, patterns, and approaches that we feel are optimized for people. These approaches enable our team to quickly build and deliver high-quality JavaScript applications for humans ...
JavaScript For Cats (Maxwell Ogden)
So don't be a scaredy-cat! The absolute worst thing that will happen is that you might have to refresh this page in your web browser if you get stuck. Don't worry though, this will happen very rarely.
Web Applications with Javascript or Java (Gerd Wagner, et al)
This textbook shows how to design and implement them, using a model-based engineering approach that covers general information management concepts and techniques and the two most relevant technology platforms: JavaScript and Java.
Next Generation HTML5 and JavaScript (InfoQ)
JavaScript is chaotic. The pace of change is faster than ever and it seems like a new framework or important library pops up every couple of weeks. A major shift in the language is about to hit when ECMAScript 6 is finalized this year.
Modern Web Essentials Using JavaScript and HTML5 (David Pitt)
This book provides tools for a thorough understanding of three topics integral to effective enterprise-level, web SPA development: JavaScript language essentials, HTML5 specification features, and responsive design principles.
ppk on JavaScript (Peter-Paul Koch)
This book uses eight real-world scripts the author created for real-world clients in order to earn real-world money. It provides chapters on the context (jobs for JavaScript, CSS, DOM), the browsers (debugging, browser string), and script preparation, etc.
JavaScript Allong (Reginald Braithwaite)
This book teaches you how to handle complex JavaScript code, and it also teaches you how to simplify JavaScript code without dumbing it down.
O'Reilly® JavaScript and HTML5 Now (Kyle Simpson)
This insightful overview provides striking examples of how JavaScript and HTML5 have teamed up to give the Web a truly open platform.
HTML Canvas Deep Dive (Josh Marinacci)
A painstakingly crafted, expertly written, code-fueled, no-nonsense deep dive into HTML5 Canvas printed in full color with syntax-highlighted code listings throughout, written for experienced software developers with an intermediate-level understanding of JavaScript.
Essential HTML5 Canvas (Krzysztof Kowalczyk)
This book provides clear and concise explanation of topics for programmers both starting to learn the HTML5 Canvas as well as those diving in more complex topics. Examples are linked to online playground that allows you to play with them.
Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours, 4th Edition
The book is written in a clear and personable style with an extensive use of practical, complete examples.
Developing Single Page Web Apps with Backbone.js (Prateek Dayal)
This book wants to show you how to build real world applications using Backbone.js. Unlike many books on backbone.js, this one is based on (and talks of) a real world application used by hundreds of companies and thousands of people.
Recipes with Angular.js (Frederik Dietz)
If you are using Angular.js, or considering it, this cookbook provides easy to follow recipes for issues you are likely to face. Each recipe solves a specific problem and provides a solution and in-depth discussion of it.
Express.js Guide: The Comprehensive Book on Express.js
This book is the in-depth, detailed, hand-on manual on Express.js, a web application framework for the most popular Node.js framework.
O'Reilly® Developing Backbone.js Applications (Addy Osmani)
This book provides all the information you need to create structured JavaScript applications using Backbone.js and its unique flavor of the MVC architecture.
Node.js Succinctly (Agus Kurniawan)
You will learn the basics of Node.js: non-blocking I/O, the event loop, modules, and the Node.js runtime environment. From there, you will dive into building practical solutions that interact with filesystems and streams, access databases, handle web server message queuing, and more.
AngularJS Succinctly (Frederik Dietz)
This book teaches how to design, and create reusable components in your single-page web application using Angular.js. It outlines common tasks and challenges for developers using Angular.js.
O'Reilly® Interactive Data Visualization for the Web
You'll start with an overview of data visualization concepts and simple web technologies, and then learn how to use D3.js, a JavaScript library that lets you express data as visual elements in a web page.
Twitter Bootstrap 3 Succinctly (Peter Shaw)
This book builds on Twitter Bootstrap Succinctly to provide up-to-date information on the latest version of the software. Developers will transition smoothly into the newest version of Twitter Bootstrap, which boasts an emphasis on mobile development.
Twitter Bootstrap Succinctly: Design Attractive, Consistent UIs
You'll learn how to add Twitter Bootstrap to an existing project, and use it to customize attractive buttons, tabs, breadcrumbs, dropdowns, and more. There are even chapters dedicated to optional JavaScript and extensions of Twitter Bootstrap.
D3 Tips and Tricks: Interactive Data Visualization in Web Browsers
This book is written to help those who may be unfamiliar with JavaScript or web page creation get started turning information into visualization using D3.js.
Leaflet Tips and Tricks: Interactive Maps with leaflet.js
This book will help you learn how to create maps with the Leaflet JavaScript library (leaflet.js) through a series of step-by-step recipes to achieve great dynamic and interactive slippy maps..
JavaScript: The Right Way (William Oliveira)
This free book is an easy-to-read, quick reference for JavaScript best practices, accepted coding standards, and links around the Web.
O'Reilly® Node: Up and Running - Scalable Server-Side Code
This book introduces you to Node.js, the new web development framework written in JavaScript.
The Node Beginner Book: A Comprehensive Node.js Tutorial
The aim of this book is to get you started with developing applications for Node.js, teaching you everything you need to know about advanced JavaScript along the way.
AngularJS Fundamentals In 60-ish Minutes (Dan Wahlin)
You'll learn how to get started with the AngularJS framework and some of the key features it provides that simplify Single-Page Application (SPA) development. You'll see how to use directives, filters and data binding techniques to capture and display data.
O'Reilly® JS.next: A Manager's Guide (Aaron Frost)
This book educates JavaScript developers, from novice to expert, about the impact that ECMAScript 6 has had on the language, and demonstrates the powerful new constructs that are accessible in the ECMAScript 6 API.
Knockout.js Succinctly (Ryan Hodson)
This book is intended for professional web developers who need to build dynamic, scalable user interfaces with minimal code using Knockout.js.
JavaScript Succinctly (Cody Lindley)
It gives readers an accurate, concise examination of JavaScript objects and their supporting nuances, such as complex values, primitive values, scope, inheritance, etc.
Building Blockchain Projects (Narayan Prusty)
This book will teach you what Blockchain is, how it maintains data integrity, and how to create real-world Blockchain projects using Ethereum. It is for JavaScript developers who now want to create tamper-proof data (and transaction) apps using Blockchain.
DOM Enlightenment (Cody Lindley)
This book explories the relationship between JavaScript and the modern HTML DOM, without the use of a library/framework. It is not an exhaustive reference on DOM scripting or JavaScript.
jQuery Succinctly (Cody Lindley)
This book teaches web developers how to use jQuery. The book is targeted at somewhat experienced developers, who already know HTML, DOM, and JavaScript.
Backbone Tutorials (Thomas Davis)
This book aims to get developers up to speed with single page web application development using Backbone.js as a foundation.
Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS & JavaScript
Apply your existing skills with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript�and start building your own Windows 8 apps now.
Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS & JavaScript, 2nd Edition
This hands-on book shows you how to use these open source web standards to design and build apps that can be adapted for any Android device - without using Java.
Mixu's Node Book: A Book About Using Node.js (M. Takada)
This book is an example-driven tutorial that starts at square one and goes through all the features, techniques, and concepts needed to build production-quality Node apps.
Go for Javascript Developers (Maor Zamski, et al)
This book compares between two programming languages, Golang (or "Go") and ECMAScript (or "Javascript" / "JS"). The merits of this pairing is the popularity of these languages. That's it. They are not similar, in fact, they are quite different.
Gulp Succinctly (Kris van der Mast)
Gulp is an easy-to learn, easy-to-use JavaScript task runner that has become an industry standard. This book offers an entry to Gulp for experienced developers. With practical examples and clear descriptions, making it the perfect entry point.
jQuery Fundamentals (Rebecca Murphey)
You'll discover how the jQuery library separates itself from other JavaScript libraries through its ease of use, compactness, and friendliness.
WordPress and Ajax: An In-depth Guide (Ronald Huereca)
This e-book is a comprehensive view on using Ajax with WordPress. It covers Ajax like you've never seen before.
O'Reilly® What Is Node? JavaScript Breaks Out of the Browser
This short book introduces you to Node.js, the new web development framework written in JavaScript.
Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
If you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop your own iPhone apps.
Essential JavaScript and JQuery Design Patterns (Osmani)
This book will take a look at a number of popular JavaScript and JQuery design patterns and explore why certain patterns may be more suitable for your projects than others. Patterns can be applied not just to vanilla JavaScript, but also to abstracted libraries.
Google Maps API Tutorial (Mike Williams)
It will provide the reader with the skills and knowledge necessary to incorporate Google Maps version 3 on web pages in both desktop and mobile browsers..
The Web Book: Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL
This book teaches you how to create web sites and applications with HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and MySQL.
Building A JavaScript Framework (Alex Young)
This book is a guide to building a JavaScript framework. It'll teach you how to build a framework and draw on real-world code from projects like jQuery. Along the way we'll explore some fundamental parts of modern JavaScript.
Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) for JavaScript Developers
This book explains how you can use AIR to build and deploy HTML and JavaScript-based web applications to the desktop, using all of the tools and technologies with which you are already familiar.
Testing with CoffeeScript (Jack Franklin)
It will guide you through the creation of a shopping cart system using unit testing and Behaviour-driven Development (BDD) with the popular framework Jasmine.
Smooth CoffeeScript (E. Hoigaard)
This is a book about CoffeeScript and programming. No previous programming knowledge is required.
O'Reilly® The Little Book on CoffeeScript (Alex MacCaw)
This book shows JavaScript developers how to build superb web applications with CoffeeScript, the remarkable little language that's gaining considerable interest.
O'Reilly® JavaScript Cookbook: Programming the Web
This cookbook has your back, with recipes for common tasks across the JavaScript world, whether you're working in the browser, the server, or a mobile environment. Each recipe includes reusable code and practical advice.
O'Reilly® Modern JavaScript: A Curated Collection
This book gets you started, bringing together concepts that are helpful to understand before tackling your next modern JavaScript app. You'll learn about the scope and challenges that await you in the world of modern web development.
O'Reilly® Programming 3D Applications with HTML5 and WebGL
With this book, you'll learn hands-on how to take your website's production values to a new level by incorporating 3D models and animations, mind-blowing visual effects, and advanced user interaction.
O'Reilly® Dojo: The Definitive Guide (Matthew A. Russell)
This book gives you the most thorough overview of this toolkit available, and demonstrates how to tame Dojo's extensive library of utilities so that you can build rich and responsive web applications like never before.
O'Reilly® Web Audio API (Boris Smus)
Introduceing you to digital audio concepts, then shows you how the Web Audio API solves specific application audio problems. You'll not only learn how to synthesize and process digital audio, you'll also explore audio analysis and visualization with this API.
O'Reilly® Programming JavaScript Applications (Eric Elliott)
It will take your existing JavaScript skills to the next level and learn how to build complete web scale or enterprise applications that are easy to extend and maintain.
HTML5 Canvas: Native Interactivity and Animation for the Web
This book gets you started with HTML5 Canvas by showing you how to build interactive multimedia applications.
Web Developer's Library Bookshelf: 5 Bestselling Books
This is a comprehensive resource for Web programmers. The library features the electronic text of five popular O'Reilly titles. You'll find the latest editions of books, from HTML to JavaScript, etc.
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