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Elementary Mathematics
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  • Title Elementary Mathematics
  • Author(s) William Chen and Xuan Duong
  • Publisher: Self-Publish (Online)
  • Paperback N/A
  • eBook PDF Files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

The text covers basic algebra, introduction to matrices, trigonometry, indices and logarithms, polynomial equations, inequalities and absolute values, progressions, elementary counting techniques, complex numbers, functions and lines, introduction to differentiation and integration.

The overall emphasis of this book is on examples, of which there are many. The only way to study mathematics satisfactorily at this level is to study many examples and to attempt many exercises while going back regularly to the discussion in the notes for appropriate references.

The material has been organized in such a way to create a single volume suitable for preparing the student for university mathematics.

About the Authors
  • William Chen is an Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Macquarie University.
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