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- Title LightSwitch Succinctly: Learn Why LightSwitch is Worth Your Time
- Author(s) Jan Van der Haegen
- Publisher: Syncfusion Inc. (2012)
- Paperback N/A
- ebook PDF (68 pages, 2.56 MB), Kindle (mobi), etc.
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: N/A
- ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description
Visual Studio LightSwitch may be one of the most under-utilized development tools available to professional and amateur developers alike. Designed specifically for creating data-centric business applications, LightSwitch alleviates some of the tedium involved in the development cycle by making the creation of screens, data entities, data relationships, queries, and more simpler and easier.
In LightSwitch Succinctly, he provides a quick tour of the different parts of the LightSwitch development environment so that you can judge whether Visual Studio LightSwitch would be an ideal tool to add to your belt.
About the Authors- The author of this e-book, Jan Van der Haegen, is a self-described green geek who writes a monthly LightSwitch column for MSDN magazine.