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Making Management Simple: A Practical Handbook for Dealing with Everyday Management Challenges
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  • Title Making Management Simple: A Practical Handbook for Dealing with Everyday Management Challenges
  • Author(s) Frances Kay, Helen Guinness, Nicola Stevens
  • Publisher: How to Books; 2nd edition (December 2005)
  • Paperback 262 pages
  • eBook Online
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1845280148
  • ISBN-13: 978-1845280147

Book Description

This text aims to help managers find out how to deal with work overload, limited resources and constant change, and to learn to focus on what's really important. It offers advice on recruiting, managing people and communication skills.

1. Intro: Management in the C21st; 2. Getting and keeping yourself organised; 3. Being effective; 4. Recruiting and selecting the right people; 5. Managing people; 6. Getting the most from people; 7. Taking responsibility for communication; 8. Change management; 9. Defusing difficulties; 10. Encouraging creativity

About the Authors
  • Frances Kay is Director of Acumen2 - the Rapport business, advising on corporate connections, business introductions and strategic alliances for successful and fast-growing companies. Helen Guinness is a consultant with over 20 years' experience in personal and professional development. Nicola Stevens is an experienced career and life coach providing proactive coaching for businesses and professionals.
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