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Microsoft Outlook 2010
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  • Title Microsoft Outlook 2010
  • Authors Stephen Moffat
  • Publisher: BookBoon 2011
  • eBook Multiple PDF Files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 978-87-7681-861-6

Book Description

Microsoft Outlook 2010 is a powerful Information management application that can be used for e-mailing, but as well offers many other convenient tools. This series of books cover folders and message options; contacts and address book; and tasks, notes, sharing and different tools in Outlook 2010.

A Folder is a container that holds items within Outlook. Folders only store specific items, such as e-mails in an e-mail folder or appointments and meetings in a calendar folder. Each different kind of folder holds a different kind of item it is not possible to for example store appointments in an e-mail folder and vice versa. In the chapter about Outlook 2010 folders you will learn how to use folders. You will also learn how to create and manage your folder list, how to create and use public folders and how to navigate within the navigation pane.

In Outlook 2010 there are several message options you can set before a message is sent. In the chapter Outlook 2010 message options you will learn how to ask for read and delivery receipts, how to ask contacts to vote and how to divert replies. Moreover you will learn how to set delivery and expiry dates, flag messages for follow up, create an auto signature and use more than one e-mail account.

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