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Motif Programming Manual
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  • Title: Motif Programming Manual
  • Author(s) Dan Heller, Paula Ferguson, and David Brennan
  • Publisher: O'Reilly Media; Second edition (September 11, 1993)
  • Paperback: 1014 pages
  • eBook: HTML and PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1565920163
  • ISBN-13: 978-1565920163
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Book Description

This book is a source for complete, accurate, and insightful guidance on Motif application programming. There is no other book that covers the ground as thoroughly or as well as this one. It goes into detail on every Motif widget class, with useful examples that will help programmers to develop their own code. Anyone doing Motif programming who doesn't want to have to figure it out on their own needs this book.In addition to information on Motif, the book is full of tips about programming in general and about user interface design.

About the Authors
  • Dave Brennan is a senior software engineer at HaL Computer Systems, where he is a member of the On-Line Information Access System (OLIAS) group.
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