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- Title: The Unix Programming Environment
- Author(s) Mark Burgess
- Publisher: Centre of Science and Technology, Oslo College (2001)
- Hardcover/Paperback: M/A
- eBook: HTML and PDF (196 pages, 1.1 MB)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: N/A
- ISBN-13: N/A :
Book Description
Designed for first-time and experienced users, this book describes the UNIX® programming environment and philosophy in detail. Readers will gain an understanding not only of how to use the system, its components, and the programs, but also how these fit into the total environment.
About the Authors- Mark Burgess is an independent researcher and writer, formerly professor at Oslo University College in Norway and creator of the CFEngine software and company, who is known for work in computer science in the field of policy-based configuration management.
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- HTML Format
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- C Programming Tutorial, 4th Edition (K&R Version) by Mark Burgess, (PDF, 410 Pages, 2.1 MB)