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Understanding LDAP - Design And Implementation
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  • Title: Understanding LDAP - Design And Implementation
  • Author(s) Steven Tuttle, et al
  • Publisher: Ibm (June 16, 2004)
  • Paperback: 768 pages
  • eBook: PDF, 6.4 MB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 073849786X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0738497860
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Book Description

Directories are key for successful IT operation and e-business application deployments in medium and large environments.

The implementation and exploitation of centralized, corporate-wide directories are among the top priority projects in most organizations. The need for a centralized directory emerges as organizations realize the overhead and cost involved in managing the many distributed micro and macro directories introduced in the past decade with decentralized client/server applications and network operating systems.

This book will help you create a foundation of LDAP skills, as well as install and configure the Directory Server. It is targeted at security architects and specialists who need to know the concepts and the detailed instructions for a successful LDAP implementation.

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