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Using Perl 6 (Raku)
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  • Title Using Perl 6 (Raku)
  • Authors Jonathan S. Duff, Moritz Lenz, Carl Masak, Patrick R. Michaud, Jonathan Worthington
  • Publisher: Jonathan S. Duff,et al (Draft, May 23, 2012)
  • License(s): CC BY-NC-SA 2.5
  • Paperback: N/A
  • eBook: PDF files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

This book is primarily for people who want to learn Perl 6 (Raku). It teaches the basics from a Perl 6 perspective, touching on variable interpolation, datastructure use, object construction, threads, closures, symbol tables, and other core features. It then introduces continuations, coroutines, binding (or aliases), hyper operators that work on lists of data at once, set operators that work on complex datatypes, lightweight multidimensional arrays, strong type checking, autoboxing, precompilation, automatic module dependency installation, and more.

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