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- Title Algebraic Problems and Exercises for High School
- Author(s) Ion Goian, Raisa Grigor, Vasile Marin, Florentin Smarandache
- Publisher: The Educational Publisher (2015)
- Hardcover/Paperback: N/A
- eBook: PDF (146 pages, 5.2 MB)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: N/A
- ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description
In this book, you will find algebra exercises and problems, grouped by chapters, intended for higher grades in high schools or middle schools of general education. Its purpose is to facilitate training in mathematics for students in all high school categories, but can be equally helpful in a standalone workout. The book can also be used as an extracurricular source, as the reader shall find enclosed important theorems and formulas, standard definitions and notions that are not always included in school textbooks.
About the Authors- N/A