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Circuit Design Using Personal Computers
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  • Title: Circuit Design Using Personal Computers
  • Author(s) Thomas R. Cuthbert
  • Publisher: Krieger Pub Co (February 1994)
  • Hardcover/Paperback: 494 pages
  • eBook: PDF (509 pages, 12 MB)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0894646370
  • ISBN-13: 978-0894646379
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Book Description

This practical guide to designing electronic circuits using small computers and programmable calculators makes it easy to implement both classical and sophisticated design techniques. It uses the interaction between circuit designer and computer to clarify both design techniques and fundamental concepts. It also shows how to produce useful answers quickly, while developing a feel (or the procedure and obtaining insight into fundamental processes - such as the errors between exact derivatives and their finite-difference estimates.

This book is intended for practicing electrical engineers and for university students with at least senior-class standing. Its topics will also interest electronics engineers. who design circuits derived in terms of complex variables and functions, to provide impedance matching. filtering. and linear amplification. Circuits operating from very low frequencies all the way through millimeter waves can be designed by these techniques. The necessary numerical methods will also be of interest to readers who do not have specific applications.

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