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Docker Cookbook
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  • Title Docker Cookbook
  • Author(s) Ken Cochrane, Jeeva S. Chelladhurai, Neependra K Khare
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing (August 31, 2018); eBook (Free Edition)
  • Permission: Free eBook by the Publisher (Packt)
  • Paperback 352 pages
  • ebook HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1788626869
  • ISBN-13: 978-1788626866
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Book Description

This book starts with setting up Docker in different environment, and helps you learn how to work with Docker images. Then, you will take a deep dive into network and data management for containers. It explores the RESTful APIs provided by Docker to perform different actions, such as image/container operations.

The book then explores logs and troubleshooting Docker to solve issues and bottlenecks. You will gain an understanding of Docker use cases, orchestration, security, ecosystems, and hosting platforms to make your applications easy to deploy, build, and collaborate on.

  • Leverage practical examples to manage containers efficiently
  • Integrate with orchestration tools such as Kubernetes for controlled deployments
  • Learn to implement best practices on improving efficiency and security of containers
About the Author
  • Ken Cochrane is an IT professional with over 15 years of experience working with organizations to build large-scale applications and platforms.
  • Jeeva S. Chelladhurai has been working as a DevOps specialist at the IBM Global Cloud Center of Excellence (CoE) in India for the past 8 years.
  • Neependra K Khare is the founder and principal consultant at CloudYuga.
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