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Kubernetes Patterns
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  • Title: Kubernetes Patterns: Reusable Elements for Designing Cloud-Native Applications
  • Author(s) Bilgin Ibryam, Roland Hub
  • Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1st edition (May 7, 2019); eBook (Compliments of Red Hat)
  • Permission: Free eBook is Complimented by Red Hat
  • Paperback: 266 pages
  • eBook: PDF (266 pages, 4.2 MB)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1492050288
  • ISBN-13: 978-1492050285
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Book Description

The way developers design, build, and run software has changed significantly with the evolution of microservices and containers. These modern architectures use new primitives that require a different set of practices than most developers, tech leads, and architects are accustomed to.

This guide provides common reusable elements, patterns, principles, and practices for designing and implementing cloud-native applications on Kubernetes.

Each pattern includes a description of the problem and a proposed solution with Kubernetes specifics. Many patterns are also backed by concrete code examples. This book is ideal for developers already familiar with basic Kubernetes concepts who want to learn common cloud-native patterns.

  • Foundational patterns cover the core principles and practices for building container-based cloud-native applications.
  • Behavioral patterns explore finer-grained concepts for managing various types of container and platform interactions.
  • Structural patterns help you organize containers within a pod, the atom of the Kubernetes platform.
  • Configuration patterns provide insight into how application configurations can be handled in Kubernetes.
  • Advanced patterns cover more advanced topics such as extending the platform with operators.
About the Author
  • Bilgin Ibryam is a principal middleware architect at Red Hat, and a committer to multiple projects at the Apache Software Foundation.
  • Dr. Roland Hub is a software engineer at Red Hat who worked as tech lead on Fuse Online and landed recently in the OCF team for coding on Knative.
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