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High-Speed Networking Technology: An Introductory Survey
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  • Title High-Speed Networking Technology: An Introductory Survey
  • Author(s) Harry J. R. Dutton, Peter Lenhard, Wanlei Zhou, Weijia Jia
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall, 3rd edition;
  • Paperback ???
  • eBook PDF (350 pages, 16.4 MB), ePub, Kindle, etc.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0132424215
  • ISBN-13: 978-0132424219
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Book Description

This book presents a broad overview on the emerging technology of very-high-speed communication. It is written at the technical conceptual level with some areas of greater detail.

It is intended to be read by computer professionals who have some understanding of communications (but who do not necessarily consider themselves experts).

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