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Introducing Windows 8.1 for IT Professionals
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  • Title Introducing Windows 8.1 for IT Professionals
  • Author(s) Ed Bott
  • Publisher: Microsoft Press (November 4, 2013)
  • Paperback: 140 pages
  • eBook: Multiple formats: PDF (139 pages, 9.31 MB), ePUB, Mobi (for Kindle)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0735684278
  • ISBN-13: 978-0735684270
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Book Description

Get a head start evaluating Windows 8.1 - with early technical insights from award-winning journalist and Windows expert Ed Bott.

Based on the Windows 8.1 Preview release, this guide introduces new features and capabilities, with scenario-based advice on how Windows 8.1 can meet the needs of your business. Get the high-level overview you need to begin preparing your deployment now.

The goal in this book is to help you on that upgrade path by presenting the facts and features about Windows 8.1 as clearly as I can. If you've been living in an environment built around a previous version of Windows, you have a lot to absorb in the transition to Windows 8.1. I've tried to lay out those facts in as neutral a fashion as possible, starting with an overview of the operating system, explaining the many changes to the user experience, and diving deep into deployment and management tools where it's necessary.

About the Authors
  • Ed Bott is an award-winning journalist known to millions of readers through two decades of writing for leading industry publications and more than 25 books on Microsoft Office and Windows, including Windows 7 Inside Out and Microsoft Office Inside Out: 2013 Edition.
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