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Knowing Knoppix: The Beginner's Guide To Linux
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  • Title: Knowing Knoppix
  • Author(s) Phil Jones and Wikipedia Contributors
  • Publisher: CreateSpace (September 4, 2008); eBook (WikiBooks)
  • License(s): CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Paperback: 134 pages
  • eBook: HTML and PDF
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: N/A
  • ISBN-10: 1440412472
  • ISBN-13: 978-1440412479
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Book Description

Knoppix is an astoundingly clever product. It runs Linux completely from CD. There is no need to install. It bypasses all the software already installed on your PC or laptop. It automatically detects the hardware in your computer, such as video card, sound card, networking, the lot (subject to suitable hardware).

When you've finished using Knoppix, simply restart. Your computer will return to your regular system, and it will behave as if nothing has happened. Knoppix is Free Software and open source under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). Knowing Knoppix is a beginner-friendly book designed to help with these situations: You can't start Windows! Disaster? Possibly not.

It is often possible to rescue files from crashed Windows computers, even when Windows cannot be started.

This guide takes you step by step through the process. You are curious about Linux, and you want to discover what all the fuss is about. You want a useful guide to help you get started.

About the Authors
  • N/A
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