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Security Enhanced Applications for Information Systems
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  • Title Security Enhanced Applications for Information Systems
  • Author(s) Christos Kalloniatis
  • Publisher: InTech (March 2012)
  • License(s): Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
  • Hardcover 224 pages
  • eBook Online, zipped PDF, 5.18 MB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 978-953-51-0643-2
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Book Description

Every day, more users access services and electronically transmit information which is usually disseminated over insecure networks and processed by websites and databases, which lack proper security protection mechanisms and tools. This may have an impact on both the users' trust as well as the reputation of the system's stakeholders. Designing and implementing security enhanced systems is of vital importance.

Therefore, this book aims to present a number of innovative security enhanced applications. It is titled "Security Enhanced Applications for Information Systems" and includes 11 chapters. This book is a quality guide for teaching purposes as well as for young researchers since it presents leading innovative contributions on security enhanced applications on various Information Systems. It involves cases based on the standalone, network and Cloud environments.

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