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Business Information Systems: Design an App for That
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  • Title Business Information Systems: Design an App for That
  • Author(s) Lauren Kenyo, Sarah Pels, Raymond D. Frost, Jacqueline Pike
  • Publisher: Flat World Knowledge, Inc.; 1ST edition (January 1, 2011)
  • Paperback 274 pages
  • eBook PDF (323 pages, 8.6 MB)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1453311580
  • ISBN-13: 978-1453311585
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Book Description

This book is designed to help students get a feel for what a career in Management Information System (MIS) would be like. Our students report that they learn more about information systems from their internships than from their IS courses. Consequently, we designed a course that looks very much like an internship—an introduction to the field followed by a substantial project.

A by product of creating an engaging course is increased enrollment in the MIS major. Even students who have never heard of MIS become excited about the major and either switch majors or add it as a double major or minor.

About the Authors
  • Raymond D. Frost is a Professor of Management Information Systems department at Ohio University. He is also the Director of Studies for College of Business students in the Honors Tutorial College (HTC).
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