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Software Foundations
Top Free C Programming Books 🌠 - 100% Free or Open Source!
  • Title Software Foundations
  • Authors: Benjamin C. Pierce, Chris Casinghino, Michael Greenberg, Vilhelm Sjoberg, Brent Yorgey
  • Publisher: University of Pennsylvania, 2021 - Date
  • eBook: HTML and PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A

Book Description

The Software Foundations series is a broad introduction to the mathematical underpinnings of reliable software.

The principal novelty of the series is that every detail is one hundred percent formalized and machine-checked: the entire text of each volume, including the exercises, is literally a "proof script" for the Coq proof assistant.

The exposition is intended for a broad range of readers, from advanced undergraduates to PhD students and researchers. No specific background in logic or programming languages is assumed, though a degree of mathematical maturity is helpful.

Do you think the programmers who work at your office are magical wizards who hold special powers that manipulate your computer? Believe it or not, anyone can learn how to write programs, and it doesn't take a higher math and science education to start.

This book shows you how computer programming works without all the technical details or hard programming language. It explores the common parts of every computer programming language and how to write for multiple platforms like Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux. This easily accessible guide provides you with the tools you need to:

  • Create programs and divide them into subprograms
  • Develop variables and use constants
  • Manipulate strings and convert them into numbers
  • Use an array as storage space
  • Reuse and rewrite code
  • Isolate data
  • Create a user interface
  • Write programs for the Internet
  • Utilize JavaScript and Java Applets
About the Authors
  • Benjamin C. Pierce is the Henry Salvatori Professor of computer science at the University of Pennsylvania.
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