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The New Software Engineering
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  • Title The New Software Engineering
  • Author(s) Sue Conger
  • Publisher: Wadsworth Pub Co (1993); eBook (Creative Commons Edition, 2008)
  • License(s): CC BY 3.0
  • Hardcover/Paperback 800 pages
  • eBook PDF (403 pages)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0534171435
  • ISBN-13: 978-0534171438
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Book Description

This book discusses the software engineer's project related knowledge and theoretical background in order to facilitate and speed the process by which novices become experts. It covers project planning, project life cycles, methodologies, technologies, techniques, tools, languages, testing, ancillary technologies (e.g., database), and computer-aided software engineering (CASE). For each topic, alternatives, benefits and disadvantages are discussed.

Software engineer should be familiar with alternatives, trade-offs and pitfalls of methodologies, technologies, domains, project life cycles, techniques, tools CASE environments, methods for user involvement in application development, software, design, trade-offs for the public domain and project personnel skills.

This text is written with a business school orientation, stressing the "how to" and heavily employing CASE technology throughout. The courses for which this text is appropriate include software engineering, advanced systems analysis, advanced topics in information systems, and IS project development.

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