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- Title: Sybase IQ
- Author(s) Rocket99
- Publisher: Citisoft, Inc.
- Paperback: N/A
- eBook: HTML and PDF
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: N/A
- ISBN-13: N/A
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Sybase IQ is part of the Adaptive Server product family that includes Adaptive Server Enterprise and SQL Anywhere. Component Integration Services within Sybase IQ provide direct access to relational and nonrelational databases on mainframe, UNIX, or Windows servers.
About the Authors- N/A
Sybase SQL Server Administration's Guide
Designed to provide all administrators with an authoritative guide, topics include installation, defining physical and Sybase-mirrored devices, transaction logging and modes, security, auditing, database backup and restoration, etc.
New Features Guide to Sybase ASE (Brian Taylor, et al)
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise is a high-performance, mission-critical database management system designed to meet the increasing demands of large databases and high-transaction volumes, while providing a cost-effective database management system.
Transact-SQL: The Building Blocks to SQL Server Programming
This book will cover different aspects of the Transact SQL (TSQL) language. It takes the readers step by step through the TSQL language, one concept at a time. Each topic covers a particular aspect of TSQL with discussion and examples.
Learn T-SQL Querying (Pedro Lopes, et al)
The book will get you started with query processing fundamentals to help you write powerful, performant Transact-SQL (T-SQL) queries. You will then focus on query execution plans and learn how to leverage them for troubleshooting.
45 Database Performance Tips for Developers (Phil Factor, et al)
Speed up your development with ORMs and discover the gotchas' involved. Learn the best practices for efficiently indexing tables. Get expert advice on writing well-formed SQL queries. Topics covered: ORM Tips, T-SQL Tips, Index Tips, Database Design Tips.