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The Culture Game: Tools for the Agile Manager
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  • Title The Culture Game: Tools for the Agile Manager
  • Author(s) Daniel Mezick
  • Publisher: FreeStanding Press (May 15, 2012); InfoQ (eBook, December 4, 2012)
  • Paperback 314 pages
  • eBook PDF (71 pages, 8.81 MB)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0984875301
  • ISBN-13: 978-0984875306
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Book Description

THE CULTURE GAME is your tutorial and reference guide for creating lasting business agility in your organization. This is the handbook for managers who want to rapidly develop a culture of learning inside their teams. THE CULTURE GAME book provides you with specific tools and techniques to help your teams (and the entire enterprise) rapidly respond to change. THE CULTURE GAME describes 16 patterns of team-learning behavior, distilled from Agile software development. This book provides the tools to socialize these ideas throughout your organization. THE CULTURE GAME book is your tutorial and reference guide for scaling the Agile mindset from software teams to the wider enterprise.

About the Authors
  • Dan Mezick is an authority on culture, self-management and self-organizing teams. He is an adviser and consultant to teams and organizations seeking great results. An expert on culture design and business agility, Dan speaks frequently at industry conferences on culture change, organizational learning, and teamwork.

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