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The SysAdmin Handbook -The Best of Simple Talk SysAdmin
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  • Title The SysAdmin Handbook -The Best of Simple Talk SysAdmin
  • Author(s) Jaap Wesselius, Ben Lye, Michael B. Smith, Jonathan Medd, Brien Posey, et al
  • Publisher: Red gate books (March 31, 2010); eBook (Free PDF)
  • Paperback 402 pages
  • eBook 20.63 MB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1906434433
  • ISBN-13: 978-1906434434

Book Description

This books covers every aspect of the Microsoft Exchange Servers administration in depth.

Want to know how all about Exchange recovery storage groups? How to determine Exchange disk performance? And, of course, all about Exchange? The SysAdmin handbook, a compilation of peer-reviewed articles from Simple Talk SysAdmin has the practical ins-and-outs to all these and many other hot IT topics.

Over the past two years, Simple-Talk has published articles on a variety of SysAdmin topics, from Exchange to Virtualization, and including everything from Powershell to Unified Messaging. We have brought the best of these articles together to form The SysAdmin Handbook.

With over fifty articles packed into this book, it will be an essential reference for any Systems Administrator, whether you have years of experience or are just starting out.

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