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Understanding Flexbox: Everything You Need to Know
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  • Title Understanding Flexbox: Everything You Need to Know
  • Author(s) Ohans Emmanuel
  • Publisher: GitHub
  • Paperback: N/A
  • eBook HTML and PDF (110 pages)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

The CSS flexible box model, known as flexbox, is a new layout tool that can help you build flexible websites painlessly. It is powerful, easy to learn, and easy to use. According to the specification, the Flexbox model provides for an efficient way to layout, align, and distribute space among elements within your document - even when the viewport and the size of your elements is unknown and/or dynamic.

Learning Flexbox may not be fun at first. It will challenge what you know about layouts in CSS. But that's fine. Everything worth learning begins that way.

Flexbox is certainly something you should take seriously. It paves the way for the modern style of laying out content, and it's not going away anytime soon. It has emerged as a new standard. So with outstretched arms, embrace it!

This tutorial has been prepared for beginners to make them understand the basics of Flexbox library. It will help the readers in aligning the contents of a webpage easily. It is assumed that the readers have a prior knowledge of CSS and HTML.

About the Authors
  • N/A
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