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Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks
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  • Title Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks
  • Author(s) Minh T. Nguyen
  • Publisher: (October 1, 2004), eBook (2006)
  • Paperback 122 pages
  • ebook Online, PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1411613961
  • ISBN-13: 978-1411613966
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Book Description

Visual Studio .NET is one of the most versatile and extensible programming tools released by Microsoft. The number of features and shortcuts available in VS.NET is truly immense, and it grows tremendously with each release. Developers who are unaware of these timesaving features surely miss out on opportunities to increase their programming productivity and effectiveness.

Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks explains how to use VS.NET efficiently. Organized into short and easy-to-grasp sections, and containing tips and tricks on everything from editing and compiling to debugging and navigating within the VS.NET IDE, this book is a must-read for all .NET developers, regardless of expertise and whether they program in C#, VB.NET, or any other .NET language. This book covers the Visual Studio .NET 2002, 2003, and 2005 Beta 1 releases.

In this book you'll find the following:

  • More than 120 tips for editing and writing your code, navigating within the IDE, and compiling, debugging, and deploying your application
  • Section dedicated to VS.NET 2005 - Keyboard shortcuts for the majority of tips
  • More than 90 figures and screenshots

About the Authors
  • Minh T. Nguyen is a website development engineer with He has worked with Visual Studio .NET since its beta stages and regularly gives workshops and writes articles for the .NET community.

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