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- Title: Web Developer's Library CD Bookshelf: 5 Bestselling Books
- Authors Chuck Musciano, et al.
- Publisher: O'Reilly Media; October 1997
- Paperback: N/A
- eBook: HTML
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1-56592-363-4
- ISBN-13: 978-1-56592-363-8 :
Book Description
Web Developer's Library CD Bookshelf is a comprehensive resource for Web programmers. The library features the electronic text of five popular O'Reilly titles. You'll find the latest editions of these books:
- HTML: The Definitive Guide
- CGI Programming on the World Wide Web
- JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
- Programming Perl
- Web Master in a Nutshell
- O'Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, research, and conferences. Since 1978, O'Reilly has been a chronicler and catalyst of leading-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and galvanizing their adoption by amplifying "faint signals" from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.
- Web Programming
- Web Design and Publishing
- PHP Programming
- PERL Programming
- Python Programming
- Ruby and Ruby on Rails Programming