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Super Awesome Advanced CakePHP Tips
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  • Title Super Awesome Advanced CakePHP Tips
  • Authors Matt Curry
  • Publisher: (2009)
  • Paperback N/A
  • eBook PDF, 66 pages, 598 KB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Super Awesome Advanced CakePHP Tips
Matt Curry

Book Description

CakePHP is a leading PHP based web app development framework. When asking a question on forums or chat rooms, many CakePHP beginners get little help from the experts. Simple questions can get a response like, Well, just read the online manual and API. Unfortunately, the online manual is depreciated, and who wants to absorb a programming language or framework from an API?

This book will speak to an audience of developers already familiar with PHP but who may not be PHP experts. This book is tailored for those new to CakePHP and who want a thorough tutorial.

About the Authors
  • Matt Curry is web developer using PHP, JavaScript and CSS.
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