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Applied Statistics
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  • Title Applied Statistics
  • Author(s) Mohammed A. Shayib
  • Publisher: bookboon (2013); Internet Archive
  • Hardcover/Paperback N/A
  • eBook PDF (300 pages), ePub, Kindle, etc.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 978-87-403-0493-0
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Book Description

Applied Statistics has come into existence as an outcome of an experiment and wide experience of more than 40 years. Applied Statistics is intended to introduce the concepts, definitions, and terminology of the subject in an elementary presentation with minimum mathematical background which does not surpass college algebra. Applied Statistics should prepare the reader to make a good decision based on data. The material, contained in Applied Statistics, can be covered in a 15-week, 3-hours-per-week semester, with little adjustment as time allows.

This book is an elementary introduction to the growing field of statistics. In this consize volume we emphasize on the concepts, definitions and terminology. With no doubt in mind, linking the three building blocks, mentioned above, will provide any person with a strong hold on the subject of statistics.

The material had been presented in such a way that only College Algebra can be a prerequisite for the course that covers the whole text in one semester. The material is presented in 6 chapters.

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