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- Title C# Code Contracts Succinctly
- Author(s) Dirk Strauss
- Publisher: Syncfusion Inc. (2016)
- Paperback: N/A
- eBook PDF (90 Pages, 3.0 MB), Kindle, etc.
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description
Developed by Microsoft's Research in Software Engineering, Code Contracts provide a way to convey code assumptions in your .NET applications. They can take the form of preconditions, postconditions, and state invariants. In C# Code Contracts Succinctly, author Dirk Strauss demonstrates how to use Code Contracts to validate logical correctness in code, how they can be integrated with abstract classes and interfaces, and even how they can be used to make writing documentation less painful.
- Getting Started
- Using Code Contracts
- Some Useful Tips
- Testing Code Contracts
- Code Contracts Editor Extensions
- Conclusion
- Tools and Resources
- Dirk Strauss is a Software Developer and Microsoft MVP from South Africa.