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- Title Communications and Networking
- Author(s) Jun Peng
- Publisher: Sciyo (September 2010)
- Hardcover 434 pages
- eBook zipped PDF, 11.54 MB
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: N/A
- ISBN-13: 978-953-307-114-5
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Book Description
This book provides a comprehensive coverage of data communications fundamentals, telephone system operation, local area networks, internetworking, and Internet communications.
It focuses on the issues at the lowest two layers of communications and networking and provides recent research results on some of these issues. In particular, it first introduces recent research results on many important issues at the physical layer and data link layer of communications and networking and then briefly shows some results on some other important topics such as security and the application of wireless networks. In summary, this book covers a wide range of interesting topics of communications and networking. The introductions, data, and references in this book will help the readers know more abut this topic and help them explore this exciting and fast-evolving field.
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