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Complex Integration and Cauchy's Theorem
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  • Title Complex Integration and Cauchy's Theorem
  • Author(s) G.N. Watson
  • Publisher: Dover Publications (April 19, 2012); Cambridge University Press (1914)
  • Hardcover/Paperback 96 pages
  • eBook PDF (100 pages, 3.2 MB), ePub, Kindle, Daisy, DjVu, etc.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0486488144
  • ISBN-13: 978-0486488141
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Book Description

This brief monograph by one of the great mathematicians of the early twentieth century offers a single-volume compilation of propositions employed in proofs of Cauchy's theorem. Developing an arithmetical basis that avoids geometrical intuitions, Watson also provides a brief account of the various applications of the theorem to the evaluation of definite integrals.

Author G. N. Watson begins by reviewing various propositions of Poincare's Analysis Situs, upon which proof of the theorem's most general form depends. Subsequent chapters examine the calculus of residues, calculus optimization, the evaluation of definite integrals, and expansions in series. A historical summary concludes the text, which is supplemented by numerous challenging exercises.

About the Author(s)
  • G.N. Watson was an English mathematician, who applied complex analysis to the theory of special functions.
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