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- Title: Create or Perish: The Case for Inventions and Patents
- Author(s) Robert H Rines
- Publisher: Acropolis; Prelim. ed edition (1964); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed, 2008)
- License(s): CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Hardcover: 146 pages
- eBook: PDF (154 pages) and PDF files
- Language: English
- ISBN-10/ASIN: B0006BM15A
- ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description
This book explores the history of private and public rights in scientific discoveries and applied engineering, leading to the development of worldwide patent systems. The classes of invention protectable under the patent laws of the U.S., including the procedures in protecting inventions in the Patent Office and the courts will be examined.
Those who expect an engineering “cookbook” approach to this subject will not find it here. Similarly, those who look for a presentation in the form of a Procrustean “case study” will be equally disappointed.
About the Authors- N/A