Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World
A Primer on Database Replication (Brian Storti)
Replicating a database can make our apps faster and increase our tolerance to failures, but there are a lot of different options available and each one comes with a price tag. Reduce the effort in the Database Replication work to be done to get problems solved.
Migrating to Microservice Databases: Relational to Distributed Data
Code is easy, State is hard. Learning how to deal with your relational databases in a microservices structure is key to keeping pace in a quickly changing workplace. Microservices certainly aren’t a panacea - a good solution if you have the right problem.
Database Performance at Scale: A Practical Guide
Discover critical considerations and best practices for improving database performance based on what has worked, and failed, across thousands of teams and use cases in the field.
Relational Databases and Microsoft Access (Ron McFadyen)
This book is an introductory text that introduces Microsoft Access Office 365 and relational database design. Attempted to give a suitable introduction to normalization theory for the beginning database usersas, well as entity relationship diagrams.
Build Your Own Database From Scratch: Persistence, Indexing, etc.
This book contains a walk-through of a minimal persistent database implementation. The implementation is incremental. We start with a B-Tree, then add a new concept with each chapter, and eventually go from a simple KV to a mini relational DB.
Database Lifecycle Management: Achieving Continuous Delivery
This book describes how to apply the business and technical approaches of Database Lifecycle Management (DLM) in order to make database change management processes more visible, predictable and measurable.
Database Design, 2nd Edition (Adrienne Watt, et al)
This book covers database systems and database design concepts. It provides short, easy-to-read explanations of how to get database design right the first time and to help you avoid the many pitfalls that entrap new and not-so-new database designers.
Database Systems for Management (James F. Courtney, et al)
This book provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the fundamentals of database systems. Coherent explanations and practical examples have made this one of the leading texts in the field.
Databases, Types, and the Relational Model: The Third Manifesto
This book can be seen as an abstract blueprint for the design of a DBMS and the language interface to such a DBMS. In particular, it serves as a basis for a model of type inheritance. This book is essential reading for database professionals.
Database Explorations: The Third Manifesto and Related Topics
This book consists of a collection of exploratory essays on database management - more specifically, on issues arising from and related to The Third Manifesto. The target audience is database professionals.
Database Design with UML and SQL, 4th Edition (Alvaro Monge)
This book teaches you how to use the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Structured Query Language (SQL) to develop and implement the best possible design for your databases. It is also designed to be used as an individual self-study tutorial.
Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems
This book is about techniques for concurrency control and recovery. It covers techniques for centralized and distributed computer systems, and for single copy, multiversion, and replicated databases.
Theory of Relational Databases (David Maier)
The book is intended for a second course in databases, but is an excellent reference for researchers in the field. The material covered includes relational algebra, functional dependencies, multivalued and join dependencies, normal forms, etc.
The Relational Model for Database Management (Edgar F. Codd)
Written by the originator of the relational model, this book covers the practical aspects of the design of relational databases. This book is a perfect resource for students and professionals in the field.
Foundations of Databases: The Logical Level (Alice's book)
Written by three leading researchers in the field, this book provides in-depth coverage of the theory concerning the logical level of database management systems, including both classical and advanced topics.
Readings in Database Systems, Fifth Edition (Peter Bailis, et al.)
This book provides both students and professionals with a grounding in database research and a technical context for understanding recent innovations in the field. The readings included treat the most important issues in the database area for any DBMS professional.
An Introduction to Relational Database Theory, 2nd Edition
This book delivers a thorough discussion of the foundations of the relational model of database design along with a systematic treatment of the formal theory for the model, introduces you to the theory of relational databases, and SQL.
Database Fundamentals (Neeraj Sharma, et al)
Learn the basics of relational database theory and other information models. This book discusses database logical and physical design, and introduces you to the SQL language. Practice with hands-on exercises!
45 Database Performance Tips for Developers (Phil Factor, et al)
Speed up your development with ORMs and discover the gotchas' involved. Learn the best practices for efficiently indexing tables. Get expert advice on writing well-formed SQL queries. Topics covered: ORM Tips, T-SQL Tips, Index Tips, Database Design Tips.
Temporal Database Management (Christian S. Jensen)
The book shows how to make the rich information content of bi-temporal data available to business users, while simplifying the design, maintenance and retrieval of that data. Metadata declarations eliminate the need to directly model temporal data.
Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL
It teaches you effective techniques for designing and building database applications that must integrate past and current data. Anyone who has ever attempted to create or modify a database containing temporal data will appreciate the complexity of the task.
Database Design and Implementation using Oracle SQL
This book uses a simple step by step approach to explain the essential relational database design modelling techniques, and shows how Oracle SQL can be used to implement a database. There are numerous practical exercises with feedback.
Database Systems and Structures (Osmar R. Zaiane)
This book provides in-depth coverage of database design, demonstrating that the key to successful database implementation is in proper design of databases to fit within a larger strategic view of the data environment.
Making Sense of Stream Processing: Behind Apache Kafka
This book shows you how stream processing can make your data storage and processing systems more flexible and less complex. It explains how these projects can help you reorient your database architecture around streams and materialized views.
Relational Data Model, Normalisation and Effective Database Design
The book presents a conceptually complete coverage of indispensable topics that each MIS student should learn if that student takes only one database course.
Information Modeling: Specification and Implementation
This book provides basic concepts of information models and explains how to design database based on data analysis and SQL models. It also provides case studies of database design based on information modeling techniques.
Category Theory for the Sciences (David I. Spivak)
Using databases as an entry to category theory, this book explains category theory by examples, and shows that category theory can be useful outside of mathematics as a rigorous, flexible, and coherent modeling language throughout the sciences.
Modeling with Data: Tools and Techniques for Scientific Computing
Modeling with Data fully explains how to execute computationally intensive analyses on very large data sets, showing readers how to determine the best methods for solving a variety of different problems, etc..
Data-Oriented Design (Richard Fabian)
This book is a practical guide for serious game developers. It is for game developers working to create triple A titles across multiple platforms, in fact for anyone who develops cutting edge software in restrictive hardware.
Introduction to Information Retrieval (Christopher Manning, et al)
This book covers all aspects of the design and implementation of systems for gathering, indexing, and searching documents; methods for evaluating systems; and an introduction to the use of machine learning methods on text collections.
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