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Database Lifecycle Management: Achieving Continuous Delivery for Databases
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  • Title Database Lifecycle Management: Achieving Continuous Delivery for Databases
  • Author(s) Grant Fritchey and Matthew Skelton
  • Publisher: Redgate Software (2015)
  • ebook HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi (Kindle)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-910035-05-4
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Book Description

This book describes how to apply the business and technical approaches of Database Lifecycle Management (DLM) in order to make database change management processes more visible, predictable and measurable. We describe the DLM skills and methods that will support a continuous and incremental approach to database change, establish predictable delivery times and result in higher quality, more maintainable database applications.

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