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- Title: Direct3D Succinctly: Develop Fully 3-D Games and Applications
- Author(s) Chris Rose
- Publisher: Syncfusion Inc. (2014)
- Paperback: N/A
- eBook: PDF (143 Pages, 2.01 MB), Kindle, etc.
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description
3-D graphics development is an engaging, rewarding process that gives developers the opportunity to flex their creative muscles. However, it can also be intimidating to those on the outside. A follow-up to Direct2D Succinctly, Direct3D Succinctly tears down the barriers to entry.
Requiring only a background in C++, author Chris Rose will guide you through the process of developing your own 3-D applications. It helps you understand the best way to accomplish a given task and thereby fully leverage the potential capabilities of Direct3D.
About the Authors- N/A
- Computer and Video Game Programming
- Computer Graphics, 3D, Animation and Imaging
- The C++ Programming Language
- Succinctly Free eBooks Series