Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics with Java, OpenGL, JOGL
Provides both step-by-step instruction on modern 3D graphics shader programming in OpenGL with Java and JOGL. It is appropriate both for computer science graphics courses and for professionals interested in mastering 3D graphics skills.
Vulkan Tutorial (Alexander Overvoorde)
This tutorial will teach you the basics of using the Vulkan graphics and compute API. Vulkan is a new API by the Khronos group (known for OpenGL) that provides a much better abstraction of modern graphics cards.
Computer Graphics from Scratch: A Programmer's Introduction
This book demystifies the algorithms used in modern graphics software with basic programming and high school math, and focuses on only one aspect of computer graphics: 3D Rendering. Pseudocode examples link to live JavaScript demos.
Developing Graphics Frameworks with Python and OpenGL
It shows you how to create software for rendering complete three-dimensional scenes, explains the foundational theoretical concepts as well as the practical programming techniques that will enable you to create your own animated and interactive worlds.
Python and OpenGL for Scientific Visualization (Nicolas P. Rougier)
The goal of this book is to reconcile Python programmers with OpenGL, providing both an introduction to modern OpenGL and a set of basic and advanced techniques in order to achieve both fast, scalable & beautiful scientific visualizations.
Learn OpenGL: Graphics Programming in a Step-by-Step Fashion
This book will teach you the basics, the intermediate, and tons of advanced knowledge, using modern (core-profile) OpenGL. The aim of this book is to show you all there is to modern OpenGL in an easy-to-understand fashion, with clear examples, etc.
Introduction to Modern OpenGL (Alexander Overvoorde)
This book will teach you the basics of using OpenGL to develop modern graphics applications. It contains a lot of interactive examples to make it both fun and easy to learn all the different aspects of using a low-level graphics library like OpenGL!
OpenGL Programming (WikiBooks)
This book presents definitive, comprehensive information on OpenGL 4.X, SPIR-V, OpenGL extensions, and the OpenGL Shading Language. It will serve you for as long as you write or maintain OpenGL code.
Introduction to Computer Graphics (David J. Eck)
Covering the fundamentals of computer graphics and computer graphics programming. It explains the principles, as well as the mathematics, underlying computer graphics - knowledge that is essential for successful work both now and in the future.
Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming (Jason L. McKesson)
This book offers beginner-level instruction on what many consider to be an advanced concept. It teaches programmable rendering for beginning graphics programmers, from the ground up.
3D Game Shaders For Beginners (David Lettier)
Interested in adding textures, lighting, shadows, normal maps, glowing objects, ambient occlusion, reflections, refractions, and more to your 3D game? Great! Below is a collection of shading techniques that will take your game visuals to new heights.
Computer Graphics in Java (Shannon Hale)
This book covers fundamental concepts in creating and manipulating 2D and 3D graphical objects, including topics from classic graphics algorithms to color and shading models, provides a perfect foundation for programming computer graphics using Java.
Learn Computer Graphics From Scratch! (Scratchapixel)
This book is designed to include the basic information needed in an introductory course. It also includes example tutorials for the use of graphics editing programs Microsoft Paint, GIMP and Blender, etc.
Ray Tracing Gems II: Real-Time Rendering with DXR, Vulkan, OptiX
This book is a must-have for anyone interested in real-time rendering. Ray Tracing is the holy grail of gaming graphics, simulating the physical behavior of light to bring real-time, cinematic-quality rendering to even the most visually intense games.
Ray Tracing Gems: High-Quality & Real-Time Rendering with DXR
This book is a must-have for anyone serious about rendering in real time. With the announcement of new Ray Tracing APIs and hardware to support them, developers can easily create real-time applications with ray tracing as a core component.
An Introduction to Ray Tracing (Andrew S. Glassner, et al.)
This book develops from fundamental principles to advanced applications, providing "how-to" procedures as well as a detailed understanding of the scientific foundations of Ray Tracing. It is also richly illustrated with four-color and black-and-white plates.
Ray Tracing in One Weekend (Peter Shirley)
This informal book takes you through most of the author's university course on Ray Tracing. Each mini-chapter adds one feature to the ray tracer, and by the end the reader can produce the image on the book cover.
Blender Basics: A Classroom Tutorial Book (J. Chronister)
This book is a definitive resource for getting started with 3D art in Blender, one of the most popular 3D/Animation tools on the market. It covers the philosophy behind this ingenious software that so many 3D artists are turning to today.
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro (Wikibooks)
This book is a series of tutorials to help new users learn Blender. The tutorials increase in difficulty, and later tutorials are built on the previous ones. Therefore, Blender beginners should follow the tutorials in sequence.
Blender 3D Geometry Nodes (John M. Blain)
Geometry Nodes are one of the additions to Blender. Geometry Nodes are a Node System for creating Arrays or Patterns to be used in visual effects or for creating complex shapes. The examples and instruction assumes a reasonably advanced knowledge of Blender.
Blender Reference Manual (Hirako San, et al.)
This is the only book that takes you extensively through the entire learning process of the 3D Modelling and Animation software: Blender. Showing you the tools and techniques professional animators use to create everything that can be done by Blender.
Beginner's Guide to Blender (Premium Beat)
The complete novice's guide to 3D modeling and animation with step-by-step tutorials. This book teaches you how to model a nautical scene, complete with boats and water, and then add materials, lighting, and animation.
The Book of GIMP: A Complete Guide to Nearly Everything
Whether you're struggling to get started or trying to master some of GIMP's more complex features, you'll find the answers you're looking for in this book. It walks you through essential GIMP skills, offers a comprehensive reference to GIMP's many features.
Grokking the GIMP: Techniques for Working With Digital Images
This book is for the serious user of the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), a premiere digital image editing and painting program. It covers the GIMP in depth, and complex tasks are intuitively presented and explained using an interactive approach.
Digital Video Concepts, Methods, and Metrics (S. Akramullah)
This book is a concise reference for professionals in a wide range of applications and vocations. It focuses on giving the reader mastery over the concepts, methods and metrics of digital video coding.
Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book
This text features assembler optimization for a variety of problems including searching algorithms, and records the author's approaches to optimizing code for the evolving line of Intel CPUs, from the 8088 on to the early Pentium lines.
WebGL Insights (Patrick Cozzi)
This book shares experience-backed lessons learned by the WebGL community. It presents proven techniques that will be helpful to both intermediate and advanced WebGL developers. It demonstrates the breadth and depth of WebGL.
O'Reilly® Programming 3D Applications with HTML5 and WebGL
With this book, you'll learn hands-on how to take your website's production values to a new level by incorporating 3D models and animations, mind-blowing visual effects, and advanced user interaction.
Computer Graphics (Nobuhiko Mukai)
This book covers the most advanced technologies in computer graphics: modeling and rendering technologies. It also includes some visualization techniques and applications for motion blur, virtual agents and historical textiles.
Wavelets and their Applications in Computer Graphics
This book is intended to give the necessary mathematical background on wavelets, and explore the main applications, both current and potential, to computer graphics. The emphasis is put on the connection between wavelets and the tools and concepts.
Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization (Roberto Tamassia)
This book provides a broad, up-to-date survey of the field of graph drawing. It covers topological and geometric foundations, algorithms, software systems, and visualization applications in business, education, science, and engineering.
Simulating Humans: Computer Graphics Animation and Control
The book is intended for human factors engineers interested in understanding how a computer-graphics surrogate human can augment their analyses of designed environments.
Strange Attractors: Creating Patterns in Chaos (Julien C. Sprott)
This book describes a simple method for generating an endless succession of beautiful fractal patterns by iterating simple maps and ordinary differential equations with coefficients chosen automatically by the computer.
CUDA Succinctly (Chris Rose)
This book discusses CUDA hardware and software in greater detail and covering both CUDA and Kepler. Every CUDA developer, from the casual to the most sophisticated, will find something here of interest and immediate usefulness.
CUDA Tutorial (Putt Sakdhnagool)
This book introduces the essentials of CUDA C programming clearly and concisely, quickly guiding you from running sample programs to building your own code, assumes no specialized background in GPU-based or parallel computing.
Direct3D Succinctly: Develop fully 3-D Games and Applications
Requiring only a background in C++, this book will guide you through the process of developing your own 3-D applications. It helps you fully leverage the potential capabilities of Direct3D.
Direct2D Succinctly (Chris Rose)
This book is a straightforward, step-by-step guide to rendering graphics with Direct2D. You will build a complete charting system that features multiple pages, zooming functionality, and printing support.
3D Rendering: An Introduction (Wikibooks)
This book will take you through the process of texturing, lighting, rendering, compositing, and post-processing to make a photo-realistic 3D render. It highlights two basic geometry types, polygons and NURBS surfaces, etc.
Getting Started with the Java 3D API (Dennis J. Bouvier)
This book represents the definitive Java 3D API specification, providing authoritative and detailed descriptions of each element of the API, is an essential reference for any Java programmer interested in entering the exciting world of three-dimensional apps.
Programming Vertex, Geometry, and Pixel Shaders (W. Engel)
This practical reference covers all of the advanced rendering techniques important for graphics programmers in the game and film industries, and will help them implement these techniques efficiently with DirectX 10.
HTML5 Canvas: Native Interactivity and Animation for the Web
This book gets you started with HTML5 Canvas by showing you how to build interactive multimedia applications.
O'Reilly® iPhone 3D Programming: with OpenGL ES (Philip Rideout)
This book will show you how to apply OpenGL graphics programming techniques to any device running the iPhone OS - including the iPad and iPod Touch.
3D Math Primer for Graphics & Game Development (Fletcher Dunn)
Working C++ classes for mathematical and geometric entities and several different matrix classes illustrate how to put the techniques into practice, and exercises at the end of each chapter help reinforce the 3D programming concepts.
Mathematical Applications for Game Development (R. Baldwin)
This book presents applications of mathematics and science in game and simulation programming. Includes the utilization of matrix and vector operations, kinematics, and Newtonian principles in games and simulations. Also covers code optimization.
Curves and Surfaces in Geometric Modeling: Theory and Algorithms
This book offers both a theoretically unifying understanding of polynomial curves and surfaces and an effective approach to implementation. It is also an exellent introduction to geometry concepts used in computer graphics, vision, robotics, geometric modeling.
Vector Math for 3D Computer Graphics, 4th Revision (Bradley Kjell )
This is a tutorial on vector algebra and matrix algebra from the viewpoint of computer graphics. It covers most vector and matrix topics needed to read college-level computer graphics text books.
Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging (Avinash C. Kak)
A comprehensive, tutorial-style introduction to the algorithms for reconstructing cross-sectional images from projection data and contains a complete overview of the engineering and signal processing algorithms necessary for tomographic imaging.
GPU Gems 3 by Addison-Wesley (Hubert Nguyen)
This third volume of the best-selling GPU Gems series provides a snapshot of today's latest Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) programming techniques.
GPU Gems 2: Programming for High-Performance Graphics
This sequel to the best-selling, first volume of GPU Gems details the latest programming techniques for today's graphics processing units (GPUs).
GPU Gems: Techniques, Tips and Tricks for Real-Time Graphics
It focuses on the programmable graphics pipeline available in today's graphics processing units (GPUs) and highlights quick and dirty tricks used by leading developers, as well as fundamental, performance-conscious techniques.
The Cg Tutorial: The Guide to Programmable Real-Time Graphics
Cg (C for graphics) is a complete programming environment for the fast creation of special effects and real-time cinematic quality experiences. This book explains how to implement both basic and advanced techniques for today's programmable GPU architectures.
O'Reilly® PNG, The Definitive Guide (Greg Roelofs)
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is the next-generation graphics file format for the Web. This book addresses the needs of both graphic designers who want to get the most out of the format and programmers who want to add full PNG support to their own applications.
Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats: The Complete Reference
This is the definitive work on file formats - the book that will become a classic for graphics programmers and everyone else who deals with the low-level technical details of graphics files.
JPEG - Idea and Practice (WikiBooks)
Everything from the aspects of the human visual system, to the mathematics of Discrete Cosine Transformation, to entropy coding, to Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) file organization is explained.
Digital Image Processing (Gholamreza Anbarjafari)
This e-course is designed to give the people who are interested in image processing the fundamental concepts in digital image processing with emphasis in sampling, quantization, interpolation, filtering, and spatial domain enhancement.
Image Processing in C, 2nd Edition (Dwayne Philipps)
This book is a tutorial on image processing. Each chapter explains basic concepts with words and figures, shows image processing results with photographs, and implements the operations in C.
O'Reilly® Modern SVG: A Curated Collection
This collection shows you how to use the XML-based SVG vector image format for two-dimensional graphics that support interactivity and animation. You can create and edit SVG images with drawing software or with any text editor.
Learn SVG: The Web Graphics Standard (Jon Frost, et al.)
This book is presented in a workbook-like format that lends itself to people who want both a solid foundation in the main aspects of SVG and who are willing to get their hands dirty with the fertile soil that SVG has to offer.
O'Reilly® SVG Essentials (J. David Eisenberg)
This book takes you through the ins and outs of SVG, beginning with basics needed to create simple line drawings and then moving through more complicated features like filters, transformations, and integration with Java, Perl, and XSLT.
Digital Foundations: Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite
This book integrates the formal principles of the Bauhaus Basic Course into an introduction to digital media production with the Adobe Creative Suite, or the FLOSS graphics applications.
C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4, 2nd Edition (Jasmin Blanchette)
Whether you're new to Qt or upgrading from an older version, this book can help you accomplish everything that Qt 4.3 makes possible.
Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4 (Alan Ezust)
This book is a complete tutorial and reference that assumes no previous knowledge of C, C++, objects, or patterns.
C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3 (Jasmin Blanchette)
This book provides all the information needed to become a professional Qt developer. It also covers cross platform GUI programming
Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets (Julian Smart)
This book is the best way for beginning developers to learn wxWidgets programming in C++ - a must-have for wxWidgets programmers.
Functional Programming and Parallel Graph Rewriting
This is an introduction to the techniques of functional programming, focusing on an alternative computational model - Graph Rewriting Systems.
Visualization Toolkit: An Object-Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics
This book is the official reference guide for VTK - the theory and practice of visualization using the VTK Visualization Toolkit software. It provides thorough descriptions of important visualization algorithms, including example images and code.
Introduction to Programming for Image Analysis with VTK
Provide sufficient introductory material for engineering graduate students with background in programming in C and C++ to acquire the skills to leverage modern open source toolkits in medical image analysis and visualization.
Learning Processing: Guide to Programming Images, Animation, etc
This book focuses on a range of programming strategies and techniques behind computer simulations of natural systems, from elementary concepts in mathematics and physics to more advanced algorithms that enable sophisticated visual results.
The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems with Processing
This book focuses on a range of programming strategies and techniques behind computer simulations of natural systems, from elementary concepts in mathematics and physics to more advanced algorithms that enable sophisticated visual results.
An Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (Steve Bark)
Learning Photoshop can be a daunting experience. This book is designed to place your feet firmly on the path to understanding and will guide you to the knowledge that will enable you to progress into a fast and productive Photoshop user.
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