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Essential Delphi
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  • Title Essential Delphi
  • Author(s) Marco Cantu
  • Publisher: CreateSpace (April 15, 2008)
  • Paperback 140 pages
  • eBook Online, PDF files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1440480117
  • ISBN-13: 978-1440480119
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Book Description

A friendly introductory guide to Borland Delphi: a form is a window, highlights of the Delphi environment, the object repository and the Delphi wizards, a tour of the basic components, creating and handling menus, multimedia fun, and more.

Helping users accomplish a lot without doing a lot of coding, this book gives a great overview of programming in Delphi starting with the basics--form design. It then takes users step-by-step through placing components on a form, setting properties (color, caption, font) and adding functionality. This book also covers Delphi's network simulation tools.

About the Authors
  • Marco Cantu is the best-selling author of the Mastering Delphi series, Delphi 2007 and 2009 handbooks and a prominent experts in the Delphi programming community.
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