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Grokking Bitcoin
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  • Title: Grokking Bitcoin
  • Author(s) Kalle Rosenbaum
  • Publisher: Manning; 1st edition (April 28, 2019); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed)
  • License(s): CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  • Paperback: 480 pages
  • eBook: HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: 1617294640
  • ISBN-13: 978-1617294648
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Book Description

If you think Bitcoin is just an alternative currency for geeks, it's time to think again. This book opens up this powerful distributed ledger system, exploring the technology that enables applications both for Bitcoin-based financial transactions and using the blockchain for registering physical property ownership.

With this fully illustrated, easy-to-read guide, you'll finally understand how Bitcoin works, how you can use it, and why you can trust the blockchain.

The book explains why Bitcoin's supporters trust it so deeply, and why you can too. This approachable book will introduce you to Bitcoin's groundbreaking technology, which is the key to this world-changing system. This illustrated, easy-to-read guide prepares you for a new way of thinking with easy-to-follow diagrams and exercises.

You'll discover how Bitcoin mining works, how to accept Bitcoin, how to participate in the Bitcoin network, and how to set up a digital wallet.

About the Authors
  • Kalle Rosenbaum founded Popeller, a Bitcoin consultancy, in 2015. Kalle provides expert software development services, advice, and education around Bitcoin.
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