Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World
Handbook of Applied Cryptography (Alfred J. Menezes, et al)
This book is an incredible achievement. If you want to check what problems there were with a proposed system, determine how the variations on a particular algorithm developed, see what research preceded and followed an idea, go to the Handbook.
Modern Cryptography Volume 1: A Classical Introduction
This book systematically explores the statistical characteristics of cryptographic systems, the computational complexity theory of cryptographic algorithms and the mathematical principles behind various encryption and decryption algorithms.
Modern Cryptography Volume 2: Post-Quantum Cryptography
This open access book covers the most cutting-edge and hot research topics and fields of post-quantum cryptography. The main purpose of this book is to focus on the computational complexity theory of lattice ciphers.
Practical Cryptography for Developers (Svetlin Nakov)
A modern practical book about cryptography for developers with code examples, covering core concepts, along with crypto libraries and developer tools, with a lots of code examples in Python and other languages.
The Joy of Cryptography (Mike Rosulek)
The definitive introduction to all major areas of cryptography: message security, key negotiation, and key management, but in a way that is more accessible than what is "traditional" in crypto. All security definitions are written in a "game-based" style.
Cryptography: An Introduction, 3rd Edition (Nigel Smart)
This book provides the rigorous detail required for advanced cryptographic studies, yet approaches the subject matter in an accessible style in order to gently guide new students through difficult mathematical topics.
A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography (Dan Boneh, et al)
This book is about mathematical modeling and proofs to show that a particular cryptosystem satisfies the security properties attributed to it: constructing practical cryptosystems for which we can argue security under plausible assumptions.
Fundamentals of Cryptology: A Professional Reference (H. Tilborg)
This is a thoroughly written wonderful book on cryptography! This excellent book is warmly recommended for mathematicians, computer scientists, for professors and students, and, as a reference book, for researchers in the area of cryptography.
Introduction to Modern Cryptography (Mihir Bellare, et al.)
This book introduces the core principles of modern cryptography, with an emphasis on formal definitions, clear assumptions, and rigorous proofs of security. It also presents design principles for widely used stream ciphers and block ciphers.
Cracking Codes with Python: Building and Breaking Ciphers
Learn how to program in Python while making and breaking ciphers - algorithms used to create and send secret messages! You'll begin with simple programs for the reverse and Caesar ciphers and then work your way up to public key cryptography, etc.
Open Workbook of Cryptology: Python Projects
This book uses Python and some standard cryptographic libraries in Python to explore these cryptological ideas. It should be accessible to students with a solid basic comfort level with Python – but could also be used as a way to solidify Python.
The Laws Of Cryptography With Java Code (Neal R. Wagner, et al.)
This book is for Java developers who want to use cryptography in their applications or to understand how cryptography is being used in Java applications. Knowledge of the Java language is necessary, but you need not be familiar with any of the APIs discussed.
Trends in Data Protection and Encryption Technologies
This book provides an overview of the changing landscape of encryption and data protection technologies and their global usage trends, serves as a guide for decision-making within administrations, government organizations, and industry.
Cryptography and Computer Security (Chris Bourke, et al)
This book introduces the basic concepts in computer networks and the latest trends and technologies in cryptography and network security. The book is a definitive guide to the principles and techniques of cryptography and network security.
Theory and Practice of Cryptography & Network Security Protocols
This book discusses some of the critical challenges that are being faced by the current computing world and also describes some mechanisms to defend against these challenges. It is a valuable source of knowledge for researchers and engineers.
Cryptography and Security in Computing (Jaydip Sen)
The purpose of this book is to present some of the critical security challenges in today's computing world and to discuss mechanisms for defending against those attacks by using classical and modern approaches of cryptography mechanisms.
Practical Cryptography With Go (Kyle Isom)
This is an introduction to cryptography using The Go Programming Language. It doesn't aim to teach the theory, but rather to guide you in your attempt to understand how to use cryptography to secure your services.
Visual Cryptography and Its Applications (Jonathan Weir, et al)
In this book, one of the data security methods known as Visual Cryptography (VC) is presented. Many types of visual cryptography are examined. From the very first type of traditional visual cryptography right up to the latest developments.
Cryptography in .NET Succinctly (Stephen Haunts)
You will learn various methods to implement cryptography in .NET apps, including using the SHA, AES, and RSA hash algorithms, leveraging symmetric and asymmetric encryption, and creating digital signatures.
Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python (Albert Sweigart)
This book teaches you how to write your own cipher programs and also the hacking programs that can break the encrypted messages from these ciphers.
Python and Coding Theory (David Joyner)
This is the lecture notes for a course on Python and coding theory designed for students who have little or no programmig experience. You will learn some of the Python computer programming language and selected topics in coding theory.
Applied Cryptography and Network Security (Jaydip Sen)
This book discusses some of the critical security challenges faced by today's computing world and provides insights to possible mechanisms to defend against these attacks.
Modern Cryptography, Probalistic Proofs and Pseudorandomness
This book focuses on cryptography along with two related areas: the study of probabilistic proof systems, and the theory of computational pseudorandomness.
Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '96 (Neal Koblitz)
These proceedings contain the revised versions of the 30 contributed talks. The submitted version of each paper was examined by at mittee members and/or outside experts, and their comments were taken into account in the revisions.
The Foundations of Cryptographys (Oded Goldreich)
This free book focuses on the basic mathematical tools needed for for cryptographic design: computational difficulty (one-way functions), pseudorandomness and zero-knowledge proofs.
Coding Theory and Cryptography: From Enigma to Quantum Theory
This book concerns elementary and advanced aspects of coding theory and cryptography. Deal mostly with algebraic coding theory and some mathematical aspects of the Enigma rotor machine and quantum cryptography are described.
Network Coding Theory (R. W. Yeung, et al)
This book provides a tutorial on the basic of network coding theory. It presents the material in a transparent manner without unnecessarily presenting all the results in their full generality.
Essential Coding Theory (Venkatesan Guruswami, et al)
This book introduces the reader to the theoretical foundations of error-correcting codes, with an emphasis on Reed-Solomon codes and their derivative codes. It describes Reed-Solomon codes and various decoding algorithms.
Error-Correction Coding and Decoding (Martin Tomlinson, et al)
This book discusses both the theory and practical applications of self-correcting data, commonly known as error-correcting codes. The applications included demonstrate the importance of these codes in a wide range of everyday technologies.
Algorithmic Number Theory: Lattices, Curves, and Cryptography
This text provides a comprehensive introduction to algorithmic number theory for beginning graduate students, written by the leading experts in the field.
Introductory Number Theory Textbook (Cryptology Emphasis)
This introductory number theory textbook has a particular emphasis on connections to cryptology. It broaches the subject of these cryptologic algorithms to develop connections to the topic of number theory.
A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra
This introductory book emphasises algorithms and applications, such as cryptography and error correcting codes, and is accessible to a broad audience.
Military Cryptanalysis - Part I: Monoalphabetic Substitution Systems
This book is one of the most well-respected publications on cryptanalysis, as was written by William F. Friedman, one of the true experts in the field. Part I is the first publication in a series of four and focuses on monoalphabetic substitution systems.
Military Cryptanalysis - Part II: Polyalphabetic Substitution Systems
This book is the second publication in a series of four and focuses on polyalphabetic substitution systems.
Military Cryptanalysis - Part III: Aperiodic Substitution Systems
This book is the third publication in a series of four and focuses on Aperiodic substitution systems.
Military Cryptanalysis - Part IV: Transposition and Fractioning
This book is the fourth publication in a series of four and focuses on both transposition and fractioning systems.
Public-Key Cryptography: Theory and Practice (Bodo Moeller)
This book examines multiple aspects of public-key cryptography. It covers the theory of provably secure public-key cryptography and the implementation of exponentiation and multi-exponentiation. An introduction to provable security is provided.
Rethinking Public Key Infrastructures and Digital Certificates
In this book, the author proposes cryptographic building blocks for the design of digital certificates that preserve privacy without sacrificing security. Potential applications include electronic cash, electronic postage, digital rights management, etc.
Cryptography's Role in Securing the Information Society
This book addresses the need for a strong national policy on cryptography that protects the information interests of individuals and businesses while respecting the needs of law enforcement and intelligence for national security and foreign policy purposes.
Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps
The book is intended to serve both as a reference manual and as a cover-to-cover exploration of Ethereum. If you're looking to get started with the Ethereum protocol (open source developers, integrators, etc.), this is the definitive book on the topic.
Blockchain By Example (Bellaj Badr, et al)
This book will walk you through the process of building multiple blockchain projects with different complexity levels and hurdles. Each project will teach you just enough about the field's leading technologies, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Quorum, and Hyperledger, etc.
Blockchain and Crypto Currency: Marketplace for Crypto Data
This book contributes to the creation of a cyber ecosystem supported by Blockchain technology in which technology and people can coexist in harmony. The decentralization of the recording process is expected to significantly economize the cost of transactions.
Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain
This book is your guide through the seemingly complex world of Bitcoin, providing the knowledge you need to participate in the internet of money. It will help you engineer money. You're about to unlock the API to a new economy. This book is your key.
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies (Arvind Narayanan, ...)
It provides a comprehensive introduction to the revolutionary yet often misunderstood new technologies of digital currency. This authoritative and self-contained book tells you everything you need to know about the new global money for the Internet age.
Computer Arithmetic of Geometrical Figures (Solomon Khmelnik)
The book is designed for using the computer arithmetic of geometrical figures in their own research and development in the field of specialized processors. It covers both the affine transformations and the figures coding theory
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