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High Performance Browser Networking
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  • Title: High Performance Browser Networking: What Every Web Developer Should Know about Networking and Web Performance
  • Author(s) Ilya Grigorik
  • Publisher: O'Reilly Media (May 22, 2013); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed)
  • License(s): CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
  • Paperback: 400 pages
  • eBook: HTML and PDF (Complimented by NGINX)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1449344763
  • ISBN-13: 978-1449344764
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Book Description

This book provides a hands-on overview of what every web developer needs to know about the various types of networks (WiFi, 3G/4G), transport protocols (UDP, TCP, and TLS), application protocols (HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2), and APIs available in the browser (XHR, WebSocket, WebRTC, and more) to deliver the best - fast, reliable, and resilient - user experience.

How prepared are you when it comes to building network-enabled applications? This book provides what every web developer should know about the network - from fundamental limitations that affect performance to major innovations for building even more powerful browser apps. By understanding what the browser can and cannot do, you'll be able to make better design decisions and deliver faster web applications to your users.

About the Authors
  • Ilya Grigorik is a developer advocate and web performance engineer at Google. He spends his days and nights working on making the web faster and building and driving adoption of performance best practices.
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