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Introduction to Compilers and Language Design
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  • Title: Introduction to Compilers and Language Design
  • Author(s) Douglas Thain
  • Publisher: Independently published (June 18, 2020); eBook (Free Edition, 2023)
  • Permission: The author grants permission to download, print, and use these PDFs for personal and academic use.
  • Paperback: 247 pages
  • eBook: PDF (247 pages) and PDF Files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 979-8655180260
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Book Description

A compiler translates a program written in a high level language into a program written in a lower level language. For students of computer science, building a compiler from scratch is a rite of passage: a challenging and fun project that offers insight into many different aspects of computer science, some deeply theoretical, and others highly practical.

This book offers a one semester introduction into compiler construction, enabling the reader to build a simple compiler that accepts a C-like language and translates it into working X86 or ARM assembly language. It is most suitable for undergraduate students who have some experience programming in C, and have taken courses in data structures and computer architecture.

About the Authors
  • Douglas Thain is a Professor and Associate Chair, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame.
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