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Introduction to Non-linear Algebra
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  • Title Introduction to Non-linear Algebra
  • Author(s) V. Dolotin and A. Morozov
  • Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company (October 2, 2007)
  • Hardcover/Paperback 288 pages
  • eBook Multiple Formats: PostScript, DVI, and PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9812708006
  • ISBN-13: 978-9812708007
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Book Description

This unique text presents the new domain of consistent non-linear counterparts for all basic objects and tools of linear algebra, and develops an adequate calculus for solving non-linear algebraic and differential equations. It reveals the non-linear algebraic activity as an essentially wider and diverse field with its own original methods, of which the linear one is a special restricted case.

This volume contains a detailed and comprehensive description of basic objects and fundamental techniques arising from the theory of non-linear equations, which constitute the scope of what should be called non-linear algebra. The objects of non-linear algebra are presented in parallel with the corresponding linear ones, followed by an exposition of specific non-linear properties treated with the use of classical (such as the Koszul complex) and original new tools. This volume extensively uses a new diagram technique and is enriched with a variety of illustrations throughout the text. Thus, most of the material is new and is clearly exposed, starting from the elementary level. With the scope of its perspective applications spreading from general algebra to mathematical physics, it will interest a broad audience of physicists; mathematicians, as well as advanced undergraduate and graduate students.

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