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O'Reilly® Java AWT Reference
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  • Title: O'Reilly® Java AWT Reference
  • Author(s) John Zukowski
  • Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (April 1, 1997)
  • Paperback: 1074 pages
  • eBook: PDF Files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1565922409
  • ISBN-13: 978-1565922402
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Book Description

The Java AWT Reference provides complete reference documentation on the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), a large collection of classes for building graphical user interfaces in Java. With AWT, you can create windows, draw, work with images, and use components like buttons, scrollbars, and pulldown menus.

This book covers the classes that comprise the java.awt, java.awt.image, java.applet, java.awt.event, andjava.awt.datatransfer packages. These classes provide the functionality that allows a Java application to provide user interaction in a graphical environment. Part of O'Reilly's Java documentation series, the Java AWT Reference takes you beyond what you'd expect from a standard reference manual.

In addition to detailed descriptions of classes and methods, it offers a comprehensive explanation of how AWT components fit together and includes lots of sample code to help you learn by example.

About the Authors
  • John Zukowski has been involved with the Java platform since it was just called Java, 11 years and running, since 1995. He is actively working with SavaJe Technologies to finish up the JavaOne 2006 device of show: the Jasper S20 mobile phone. He currently writes a monthly column for Sun's Core Java Technologies Tech Tips and Technology Fundamentals Newsletter. He has contributed content to numerous other sites, including jGuru, DevX, Intel, and JavaWorld. He has written many other popular titles on Java, including "Java AWT Reference" (O'Reilly), "Mastering Java 2" (Sybex), "Borlands' JBuilder: No Experience Required" (Sybex), "Learn Java with JBuilder 6" (Apress), "Java Collections" (Apress), and "The Definitive Guide to Swing" (Apress).
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