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Learn Ruby the Hard Way: A Simple and Idiomatic Introduction
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  • Title: Learn Ruby the Hard Way: A Simple and Idiomatic Introduction
  • Author(s): Zed A. Shaw
  • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional, 3rd edition (December 17, 2014); eBook (Updated Continuously)
  • Permission: You are free to distribute this ebook to anyone you want, so long as you do not charge anything for it, and it is not altered.
  • Paperback: 336 pages
  • eBook: HTML, PDF, ePub, etc.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 032188499X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0321884992
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Book Description

In this book, you'll learn Ruby by working through 52 brilliantly crafted exercises. Read them. Type their code precisely. (No copying and pasting!) Fix your mistakes. Watch the programs run. As you do, you'll learn how software works; what good programs look like; how to read, write, and think about code; and how to find and fix your mistakes using tricks professional programmers use.

Zed Shaw has perfected the world's best system for learning Ruby. Follow it and you will succeed - just like the hundreds of thousands of beginners Zed has taught to date! You bring the discipline, commitment, and persistence; the author supplies everything else.

It'll Be Hard At First. But Soon, You'll Just Get It - And That Will Feel Great!

This tutorial will reward you for every minute you put into it. Soon, you'll know one of the world's most powerful, popular programming languages. You'll be a Ruby programmer.

  • Installing your Ruby environment
  • Organizing and writing code
  • Ruby symbols and keywords
  • Basic mathematics
  • Variables and printing
  • Strings and text
  • Interacting with users
  • Working with files
  • Using and creating functions
  • Looping and logic
  • Arrays and elements
  • Hashmaps
  • Program design
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Inheritance and composition
  • Modules, classes, and objects
  • Project - skeleton - directories
  • Debugging and automated testing
  • Advanced user input
  • Text processing
  • Basic game development
  • Basic web development
About the Authors
  • Zed A. Shaw is a software developer best known for creating the Learn Code the Hard Way series of programming tutorials, as well as for creating the Mongrel web server for Ruby web applications,[1]. He is also well known for his polemical views on programming languages and communities.
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