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Blunt Axe Basic: Let's Build a Scripting Engine-Compiler
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  • Title Blunt Axe Basic: Let's Build a Scripting Engine-Compiler
  • Author(s) Steve Arbayo
  • Publisher: Google (2010)
  • Hardcover/Paperback N/A
  • eBook PDF (647 pages)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Blunt Axe Basic: Let's Build a Scripting Engine-Compiler
Steve Arbayo

Book Description

This book is presented as a programming tutorial, to develop and construct a Console Mode Scripting Engine and Byte Code Compiler for Bxbasic dialect, a subset of the GW-Basic and QBasic programming languages. Complete source code is also available.

This is a very hands-on approach to crafting a compiler and it does not follow any pre-defined set of rules. When we need a new function or component, we will build (hack) that function or component as we need it, modifying or rewriting the compiler as we go.

It is simply author's intent to take some of the mystery out of what goes into making a working scripting engine / compiler. That said, here goes.

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